Warborn (Star Flash Universe)

Warborn (Star Flash Universe)

Cayden James

Superhero Database Original Characters

Warborn's History

The Warborn program was initiated several months after the first alien invasion of Earth. In the year 2356 a research probe somehow returned from entering a black hole and it seemed to be the starting point of an increased interest in Earth. Many of these visits were from 20-30 foot tall monstrous aliens who were not friendly and thousands of lives were lost combating the invading forces. With advancements in war fighting technology and the world uniting to combat the common threat it was still not enough to stop a potential full on alien army invasion.

The United States Military created the Warborn program in an attempt to combat the growing threat without putting any more human lives in danger. While extremely expensive it has proven to be a viable addition to the fight against extra terrestrial threats.

A Warborn is a “remote” operated ten to twelve foot tall humanoid robotic soldier equipped with various offensive and defensive systems. Selected human candidates from the Warborn program, known as operators, can psionically connect with their warborn robotic bodies, which use digital copies of their human consciousness and a remote link system. The human volunteer then becomes the warborn’s controller. Each warborn is keyed to its respective human controller through duplicated brainwaves.

A warborn operator uses a whole-body remote neural interface to control and animate the warborn body. These link units are located in a top secret underground dedicated facility. The link beds outwardly resemble MRI scanners, with the operator reclining inside an enclosed capsule. A link unit contains a bed-like mattress framed by warm fluid gel packs that roughly depict the form of the human body.

A link unit is about 2.5 meters in length and has an upper clamshell that is closed while the unit is in operation. Link units are used to connect a warborn operator to his or her specific unit. It creates a psionic link that allows to temporarily transfer the consciousness from a human body into a Warborn, giving the operator real-time access to all its motor and sensory functions. Once the link is established, the operator can remotely control the warborn as if it is their own body. The capsule incorporates neural collection and feedback loops for control transmission and reception of sensory information from the warborn body.

The link capsule also continuously monitors operator vital signs and warborn operational parameters. In the event of an abnormality, the link is discontinued immediately or referred to a technician for further analysis.

To initiate the link, the operator clears his or her mind and enters a transit state of consciousness while the link is established. Once operator-warborn connection quality stabilizes above 99%, the link is set to active; the operator then immediately 'wakes up' inside the warborn body. The operator's own neurotransmitters then cause atonia, disconnecting the operator's natural body from the movements played out by the warborn. Continuous link times vary by individual operator; a new operator may tire and prematurely disconnect from the warborn after only a few minutes, while an experienced operator is capable of several hours or even days link time. The link time record, without any physical or mental damage to the operator, is held by Cayden James and is 5 days straight. Though there was no actual measurable physical or mental damage to Cayden he slept for nearly 36 hours after.

Upon disconnection, either by emergency fail-safe or the operator's conscious command, the warborn reverts to a static sleep state, while the operator's consciousness is awakened safely in his or her own body. Disorientation is common upon return, although experience reduces downtime. Emergency disconnections are dangerous, potentially resulting in shock to the human operator and damage to the warborn itself.

Catastrophic damage to the warborn, resulting in its destruction, has the same effect. Warborn operations are limited by the need for the human operator to sleep, rest, and eat. Similarly, the warborn body must be maintained through periods of activity alternating with update/disconnection time as well as physical maintenance and repairs. The link machinery is small enough to allow for field operation where link transmission range may become an issue. Compact field bases feature a bank of ruggedized link beds. Basic science/accommodation facilities are included with embedded power making them fully self-sufficient for short periods.

Warborn operators are selected from volunteer pools using incredibly stringent selection criteria, requiring high motor coordination skills, mental acuity and resistance to mental fatigue. The operators are physically screened and a number of tissue, blood and cell samples are taken to determine the right candidates. Overall, 99% of the trainee intake fail the initial testing. The successful creation of a warborn/operator pair is an expensive process - costing upwards of six hundred million dollars for each successful warborn build.