

Reno Bryce

Wildstorm Universe


aajayunlimited 4 y 6 mo 18 d
90 months member
aajayunlimited 4 y 6 mo 20 d
90 months member
Powers and Abilities(FROM WIKI FAN BASE SITE)


Shaper Physiology: Shapers are a subspecies of Kherans. They are shapeshifters born with a special genome whom are able to change their bodies into a mercury-like substance.

Bio-Morphic Liquid Metal: He is essentially a bio-morphic being possessing the ability to assume the properties of a type of biomolecular, high-tensile metal that he can manipulate into objects of various sizes, shapes, and density for a variety of uses. Primarily, as per his namesake, he forms bladed weapons out of his fingers and arms yet is quite capable of forming shields, hammers, and other basic shapes and properties.

Radio Block: Warblade is capable of manipulating his bio-molecular metals in such a way to create a negative zone immediately around him that renders him immune to most sensory capabilities. Essentially, granting him limited stealth aspects that enable him to get through most security systems undetected.

Enhanced Durability: Warblade can fight, and fight, and fight. His Kheribum blood grants him a high resistance to pain and damage, even beyond those of most other cross-breeds. He's taken a sword to the gut and lived through a lengthy fall when he should have very well died. Taken high end energy assaults. Been stabbed repeatedly, lost lots of blood and still kept going. If you want Warblade down only death will stop him. Knocking him out temporarily, doing haphazard damage just doesn't work. His malleable and bio-metallic body might be the reason behind this as on top of his high endurance he's resistant to injury far more then it may appear he is. While not 'bullet proof' or invulnerable, it takes a lot to hurt him and slow him down.

Enhanced Stamina: His high willpower and refusal to give up, grant him the endurance that he needs to continue to push through. Almost as bad as Zealot.Regeneration: Warblade has an incredibly powerful healing factor, he can regenerate parts of his body mere seconds after destruction, he was once able to reform his body after Pike dispersed his molecules with an explosion, although this took him months.


Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced): Warblade is a skilled hand to hand combatant. Well versed in many forms of fighting. He maintains some degree of skill at bladed weapons, obviously, and is highly skilled in Kung Fu and other martial arts. When not using his blades, Reno is still a noteworthy foe.

Artistry: Reno is a skilled artist.