

Vellum Vespertilio


Warbat's History

The Apex team encountered a pair of Warbats while on an expedition following Kong inside the Hollow Earth. One of the Warbats destroyed one of the Hollow Earth Aerial Vehicles and then the other attempted to devour Jia, Ilene Andrews and Nathan Lind before being killed by Kong. The ape then swings the lifeless corpse into the first attacking Warbat, temporarily staggering the creature.

The Warbat quickly recovers and lunges after Kong, coiling its body around him before attempting to constrict him. The Apex expedition crew inside the HEAV fires a barrage of missiles along the Warbat's back, causing it to loosen its grip around Kong. In a quick battle, Kong subdues the creature before breaking its wings and brutally pummeling it to death. Kong then tears the creature's head off and drinks the green blood leaking out, before tossing it aside and continuing his journey through the Hollow Earth.