War Favors
Created by Superguy251, 3 y 6 mo 20 d ago.
You're in a war right now a giant one and your side is losing you can call upon 3 people that owe you a favor.
Also, the winning side has the DC Greek Gods helping them and no calling upon The Presence, One Above All, or Odin, Or Anyone Multiversal and above.
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MaseTheFace 3 y 6 mo 20 d
War Favors #
Umm, Ill choose Trigon, Doctor Fate andddd Wonder Woman
MaseTheFace 3 y 6 mo 20 d
War Favors #
Does the other team include the minor Greek Gods or just the main 12?
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Superguy251 3 y 6 mo 20 d
War Favors #
Just the 12