

Laurie Collins

Prime Marvel Universe

Wallflower's powers and abilities

Laurie Collins was stated by the Purifiers using Nimrod's technology to be an Omega Threat.

Empathic Pherokinesis: Wallflower generated highly-potent airborne scent-based pheromones, which affected the chemical balance in other people altering the moods of those around her. Initially, she had no control over this at all, and she would cause everyone within range to match her moods. She learned to control her power and was thus able to choose what effect she desired those in her proximity to experience, but still had lapses when her emotions were particularly strong. Physically, Wallflower generates and releases powerful mutant pheromones, which alter the chemical balance in the brains of those around her. Laurie can psionically will the pheromones in any direction and manipulate different pheromones simultaneously. Her pheromones have a variety of effects, from controlling simple emotions to inducing personality changes, and in the House of M alternate reality, coerced Kid Omega to commit suicide with her pheromones. She can create pheromones that can make a person have fear, anger, lust, calm, happiness, or sleep. Laurie is immune to her own pheromones and the pheromone-based powers of her father. Whether or not she is immune to pheromones in general is unknown.

Wallflower's weaknesses

Her psionic control of the pheromone particles is not strong enough to prevent external forces from impeding their path. Storm and Wind Dancer could both disperse the pheromones with their wind powers.

Wallflower has only been shown to exert limited control over her powers. It is common for her to release pheromones that mirror her extreme emotions such as fear or anxiety.