Vraska (Compleated)

Vraska (Compleated)


universe Magic: the Gathering

Vraska's powers and abilities

Neowalker - Vraska is a Post-Mending Planeswalker, allowing her to freely travel through the Blind Eternities to other planes without being erased from existence. Her Spark also grants her immunities to various corrupting effects and raises many of her base resistances and gives her a much greater mana pool than any average being. Planeswalkers also possess the ability to summon mana duplicates of allies they have made throughout their journeys.

Compleated - Vraska has undergone the process that turns a being in a Phyrexian, known as Phyresis. She has become partially composed of metal (gaining an armored carapace), gained a healing factor and a tenuous telepathic link with other Phyrexians. Her blood has also been replaced with Glistening Oil, which can compleat other individuals that come into contact with it. Her specific augmentations have replaced her legs with a long snake-like tail tipped with a stinger coated in corrosive venom. Her hair-like tendrils have been replaced with much more numerous flexible cable-like tentacles.

Petrifying Gaze - Vraska has the signature ability of all Ravnican Gorgons, the Petrifying Glare. With this ability, she can turn any being she focuses her sights on into stone, instantly killing them. There appears to be no defense against this ability, although he must be fairly close to her target, within a few meters.

Necroshaman - Vraska draws from black mana to fuel her magical abilities, seemingly having lost her green connection upon compleation. Although not as skilled as someone like Liliana Vess, Vraska is proficient in raising the dead through Golgari fungi-related means. This ability extends to commanding Golgari zombies she did not directly create. Her magic also allows her to drain her opponents of vital forces and redistribute them to herself or allies. She can use this ability to completely kill a target when she desires.