Vibe (Cisco Ramon) - DC Television Universe - Super Powers - Superhero Database


Cisco Ramon

universe DC Television Universe

Vibe's powers and abilities

After Cisco was struck by the energy of the Particle Accelerator explosion, this altered his DNA and physiology to access dimensional energy. Though Cisco was affected by S.T.A.R. Labs particle accelerator like other meta-humans, Cisco did not manifest his powers until nearly two years after the dark matter explosion. He first accessed this ability after being murdered by Eobard Thawne and the timeline was altered by Barry. Despite having little training of any kind in using them, his powers are noted by Gypsy, a fellow "viber", to be very potent as even while subconsciously holding back against the far more experienced opponent, Cisco had a slight advantage in an energy clash. Initially, he needed a piece of special equipment to access his powers at will. By early 2018, Cisco's control over his powers improved enough for him to be able to effortlessly access his powers without the use of any equipment