

Cisco Ramon

universe DC Television Universe

Vibe's weapons

Cisco designed special gauntlets that he uses to help control his vibrational blasts and his interdimensional travel.

Vibe's equipment

Vibe glasses: After learning of the nature of what triggers Cisco's vibes, Earth-2's Harry Wells designed special goggles that allow Cisco to access his vibes easily and for as long as he wishes. They first harnessed his brain waves to allow him to have clearer visions in the form of dreams. They are similar to Earth-2 Cisco's glasses, but they glowed green lights at the lenses instead of blue. By calibrating the glasses to the electromagnetic frequency of the dimensional plane they are located on, Cisco's powers are increased. These glasses were abandoned after they were found to be useless on other Earths and they were replaced with the Earth-2 version of the glasses.
No equipment or weapons connected to Vibe