


universe Prime Marvel Universe

Veranke's powers and abilities

  • Skrull Shapeshifting: Like other Skrulls, Queen Veranke is a shape-shifter. She can mentally cause the unstable molecules that comprise her body to become pliant, enabling her to assume other forms through muscular expansion and contraction. Once a new shape has been assumed, it takes a conscious act of will to assume another form or revert back to normal. Hence, Skrulls do not spontaneously lose their assumed form when asleep or unconscious. Skrulls in altered form will, however, revert to their original forms at the moment of death.

  • Skrull Infiltration Ritual: Veranke took part in a ritual mixture of science and magic that imbued her with
  • Spider-Woman's powers and memories. This allowed her to go undetected in human form by Iron Man's technological scans, Charles Xavier's mental scans, Spider-Man's Spider-Sense, Wolverine's animal senses, or any other conceivable forms of detection. This form of concealment is so subtle and powerful that even Doctor Strange could not detect her with the Spell of Tartashi, nor could the Elder God-Powered Scarlet Witch using Xavier's psychic powers to delve into Veranke's true mind.

  • Superhuman Strength: Using
  • Spider-Woman's DNA, Veranke's muscular density and strength have been extraordinarily enhanced.

  • Superhuman Speed: Using
  • Spider-Woman's DNA, Veranke's capable of running and moving at superhuman speeds.

  • Superhuman Stamina: Using
  • Spider-Woman's DNA, Veranke's musculature generates less fatigue toxins during physical activity. She can exert herself at peak capacity for several hours before fatigue begins to impair her.

  • Superhuman Durability: Using
  • Spider-Woman's DNA, Veranke's body is somewhat tougher and more resistant to injury, although she is far from invulnerable. She is capable of withstanding impact forces that would severely injure or kill an ordinary human with only mild to moderate discomfort.

  • Superhuman Agility: Using
  • Spider-Woman's DNA, Veranke's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to superhuman levels.

  • Superhuman Reflexes: Using
  • Spider-Woman's DNA, Veranke's natural reaction time and reflexes are enhanced to superhuman levels.

  • Superhuman Flexibility: Using
  • Spider-Woman's DNA, Veranke's body is extraordinarily limber and her tendons and connective tissues are twice as flexible as the average human being's, despite her augmented musculature and enhanced strength.

  • Superhuman Hearing: Using
  • Spider-Woman's DNA, Veranke's hearing is superhumanly acute and enables her to detect sound at virtually any frequency. She's been known to detect, sort out, and correctly identify sounds through thick steel doors, and across considerable distances.

  • Immunity to Toxins, Poisons, Drugs, and Radiation: Using
  • Spider-Woman's DNA, Veranke's metabolism rapidly creates a powerful immunity to all forms of toxins, poisons, and drugs after an initial exposure that usually makes her dizzy. Her body is totally immune to radiation.

  • Wall-Crawling: Using
  • Spider-Woman's DNA, Veranke's limbs can adhere to surfaces via electrostatic attraction. She can hold and carry a considerable amount of extra weight while sticking to walls without falling off. It's safe to assume that the weight she can carry is dozens of times her own body weight, and the limits of how long she can do this before fatigue sets in are still unknown.

  • Bioelectric Blasts: Using
  • Spider-Woman's DNA, Veranke's body possesses an inordinate amount of bio-electricity that she has learned to channel and discharge through her hands, in controlled bursts. These energy projections vary in power and mostly affect the nervous system in humans. Veranke can regulate them from simply a stun to potent enough to kill an average-sized man in the same way that a lightning bolt could kill him.

  • Pheromone Secretion: Using
  • Spider-Woman's DNA, Veranke's metabolism generates certain types of pheromones that elicit emotions of attraction and/or repulsion by others depending on various factors which include gender and mood.

  • Self-Propelled Flight: Using
  • Spider-Woman's DNA, Veranke can fly. It is unclear as to the range and extent of this power.

  • Energy Manipulation: Using
  • Spider-Woman's DNA, Veranke is capable of manipulating certain energy forms.


Veranke is capable of anything the real Jessica Drew is, including excelling in armed and unarmed combat, espionage, and athletics.

Veranke's weaknesses

  • Skrull Shapeshifting: Skrulls only take on the appearance of an object or person and none of that object or person’s characteristics. There is a limit to the size of the object or person a Skrull can imitate. The average Skrull cannot distend his or her mass any more than 1.5 times as large a volume as his or her original volume, nor can they contract their mass any more than 0.75 the volume their original size.

  • Earth Languages: Veranke cannot speak the foreign languages
  • Jessica Drew could. In Japan, she could not understand any of the Hand ninjas whenever they spoke.