Venator (Star Flash Universe)

Venator (Star Flash Universe)

Superhero Database Original Characters

Venator's History

Venator, meaning “Hunter” in Latin, is the embodiment multiversal entropic decay. This cosmic entity exists solely to ensure that the entirety of the multiverse reaches a point of decay where it will then will be so devoid of energy and life that it will reset and start over.

Venator is thus essential to the continued cycle of multiverse creation and destruction.

Devoid of time, perception and physics, Venator will hunt any being, entity, object, concept or idea to ensure that it does not barricade the random process of multiverse decay.

Theros was about to be erased from existence while Venator hunted him but was able to disperse the entirety of his vast comic power into what has become known as the Star Flash. This event directly resulted in the creation of many superhuman beings on the planet Earth.