


Valkyrie: The Sole Defender

Valkyrie's History

Seven infant girls were born when Odin struck the ground of Asgard with a lightning bolt. The girls were trained in the art of combat throughout their entire lives until one of them had earned the title of Valkyrie, the lone defender of Asgard. Surtur attempted to destroy Asgard but was held back by Valkyrie, who was joined by the Exiles who stopped Surtur and drove him back to his realm. Valkyrie then agreed to join the Exiles just before the Time-Eater arrived and consumed her reality. The group were then transported to Earth-32518 and recruited Wolvie and his reality was also consumed. The Tallus then transported Blink and the team back to the Prime Marvel Universe to report to The Unseen; however, the Tribunal of Watchers appeared to punish him for breaking the vow of non-interference, and in the subsequent altercation the Tallus was shattered, sending the Exiles flying into the timestream. With the Tallus' navigation systems damaged, the Exiles began jumping between universes, visiting a world of cyborg dinosaurs and a world where Namor was a hippy ruler both of which were destroyed by the Time-Eater. Before arriving on Earth-86315 where they met Becky Barnes and Captain America (Peggy Carter) and joined them on a mission to stop Red Skull from dropping an atomic bomb on a city. On the Red Skulls airship Cap set off a bomb, forcing Blink to teleport everyone out and taking the bomb with them to avoid the small explosion setting off the larger bomb and dispersing the radiation. The group celebrated, until they discovered too late the bomb had been damaged and exploded, which teleported the group away.