Future Updates
Upcoming updates for Superhero Database
Below are the mayor updates/releases for Superhero Database. There is no specific deadline yet, but they will roll out in order of the version number (if set).
v4.6 Infinity Gauntlet
Focus: Battles.
- Hordes
- Search
- Start Battle from Profile
- Battle of the Week/Month
v4.7 Zone of Truth
Focus: Media ratings and reviews.
- Games
- TV Shows
- Media Page Redesign
- Ratings
v4.8 Book of Destiny
Focus: Profile editing and updating.
- Requests v2
- Edit Sections
- Profile Image Tools
- More Editors
- Audit Log
- Copy Stats
v4.x Lantern Ring
Focus: Original Characters.
- Universes
- Objects
- Powers
- OC -> MOC
v4.x Skynet
Focus: Superhero Database API.
v4.x Matt Jefferies
Focus: Website Redesign.
- Dark Mode
- Icon Update
- Profile Headers
- Gallery prev/next
v4.x Gerty
Focus: Moderating.
- Delete Profiles
- Punish System
- Duplicate Account Tool
v4.x Super-Soldier Serum
Focus: User Profiles.
- Image Uploads
- Dashboard Redesign
- Comment Downvote
- User Score v2
- Double XP
- Referral System