Update: Super Powers
Created by Galactus, 2 y 4 mo 3 d ago.
This could be a longer update run, so I thought it was best to create a new topic for it.
It's long overdue to fix the Super Powers. Being it the Scores, descriptions and removing duplicates.
I've already started the updates, and will post updates in this Topic.
Capabilities: the user with this ability the possess attributes such as deity and even powers of deity.
I've made a (personal) collection called Benchmark Characters and added a few characters to it.
Feel free to suggest a few more characters, or make suggestions to swap any already in the Collection. I want them to be as well known as possible, so everyone has at least some idea where those characters belong power-wise.
Also, these characters should be (nearly) finished when it comes to having the right Stats and Powers (and levels). Ones we have finished the list of Benchmark Characters, I will lock them for editing.
The idea is to have a wide range of different type of characters that we can check when Power Scores change, to see if nothing goes overboard.
The same goes for speed.