


Universa's History


About two days before Omni-Man returned to Earth, Universa entered the Earth�??s atmosphere and attacked a nuclear power plant. With the Staff of Leadership, Universa quickly plunged the area into chaos and rendered the local authorities helpless before her might. Her goal was to drain enough energy from Earth to save her own planet. However, doing so would be fatal for Earth.

Unfortunately for her, the power plant was one of the very first customers of Invincible Inc. The plant chief made a quick phone call and Invincible arrived upon the scene in moments alongside Atom Eve.

Universa was unimpressed by the hero�??s appearance, simply telling him not to get involved for his own sake. When it became apparent that neither Invincible or Universa would yield, the two engaged in a brief but violent skirmish.

Universa was surprised by the young Viltrumite�??s durability. Despite the incredible power of her staff, Universa found herself disarmed during the battle. Without her staff, Universa was taken out by a a vicious punch delivered by Atom Eve. Universa was then imprisoned within Stronghold Penitentiary, spending the better part of a year in solitary confinement after assaulting and gravely injuring three guards.

In the days that followed conclusion of the Viltrumite War, Invincible visited Universa in her cell. Even as he entered her cell she lashed out at him with an angry tirade. It lasted until Invincible brought up the idea of releasing her to her own devices. Despite her mistrust at his words, she listened to the young Viltrumite, eventually reaching a compromise with him.

Invincible, along with Cecil Stedman, allowed Universa to travel to various power plants across the United States. Instead of draining each one dry, Universa drained a small portion of energy from each one. While she did not gain enough energy to save her planet, she did obtain enough to give them enough time to come up with a better solution.

Once she had enough energy to return home, Universa apologized to her former foe and left for parts unknown.