

Devra Caspit

Sentinels of the Multiverse

Unity's weapons

No equipment information available.

Unity's equipment

    Minions - Unity has a variety of robotic companions she likes to call to aid her in battle or to create on the fly.
  • Bee Bot - A small surveillance drone Unity uses to scout ahead. It can also detonate itself.
  • Raptor Bot - Also called Mr. Chomps, these small mechanical velociraptors are used to distract villainous minions or to reach small places. She is also fond of fusing multiple of these together to create a giant Mr. Chomps.
  • Platform Bot - Made in the image of Baron Blade's signature Mobile Defense Platform (much to his chagrin), these small platforms are ideal for harassing enemies with their built in lasers.
  • Turret Bot - A bulky bot built to resemble her teammate Bunker, the Turret Bot supplies a heavy amount of supporting fire for Unity while also protecting her.
  • Champion Bot - Built to take after Legacy, Champion bot is stronger and more durable than the rest of her standard bots and seeks to intercept attacks before they can hurt Unity.
  • Cryo Bot - Much to Absolute Zero's annoyance, his mechanical doppelgänger can attack opponents with freeze-beam attacks.
  • Stealth Bot - Made to capture Wraith's combat prowess, the Stealth Bot seeks to infiltrate enemy ranks and take out high value targets.
  • Swift Bot - Designed to mirror Unity's mentor Tachyon, Swift Bot focuses on crowd control to assist Unity's team.
No equipment or weapons connected to Unity