

Dan Moroboshi

Ultra Series Universe

Ultraseven's weapons

Eye Slugger - Ultraseven's signature weapon is his boomerang/bat. Stored as the crest on his head, Ultraseven can remove it and use it as a short range battering weapon. He can also charge it with energy to make its impacts explosive. When thrown as a boomerang, he can control it telepathically and has used its razor sharp edge to decapitate kaiju. He can also duplicate the weapon much like he can create duplicates of himself.

Ultraseven's equipment

Capsule Monsters - Ultraseven carries with him 4 or 5 capsules containing tamed Kaiju. He can release these beasts when necessary. His three confirmed capsule monsters are Agira, Miclas and Windom.
No equipment or weapons connected to Ultraseven