Ultimate Vision

Ultimate Vision


Ultimate Marvel Universe

Ultimate Vision's powers and abilities

The Vision can alter her shape to conform with that of any planet's inhabitants, project holographic images several yards in diameter, and broadcast visual and mental messages on thousands of communication systems simultaneously.

She can perceive matter and energy on the molecular level and adjust her atomic structure to pass through any physical object or projected force. She can fly via the manipulation of energy obtained from hydrogen atoms in her vicinity.

Her body is equipped with microscopic nanites that can build complex technological devices from any raw material. Equipped with thousands of data storage units with information from hundreds of worlds, she can speak uncounted alien languages, some of which enable her to project neurotransmitters and hormones or various forms of energy such as gravitational disruptions, microwave bursts and molecular interference.

Abilities Super-Genius Intelligence



Intelligence180 IQ
Strength75+ tons

Super Powers

FlightIntelligenceNanotechnologyTechnopath/CyberpathEnergy ManipulationOmnilingualismShapeshiftingPhasing