Ultimate Elementor

Ultimate Elementor

universe Max Steel (2013-2017 series)

Ultimate Elementor's powers and abilities

[*]Superhuman Strength: Like other bonded Ultralinks, Ultimate Elementor is shown to be much stronger than an average indiviudal.

[*]Superhuman Durability: Ultimate Elementor is shown to be highly durable, being capable of taking a good beating from Max and his modes and return harmless to battle.

[*]Elemental Manipulation: They are capable of controlling the forces of nature, such as fire, earth, water and air, as well as lightning and ice. Their fused form also allows them to use two powers or more at the same time.

  • Aerokinesis: Elementor inherits Air's control over the wind. His air form allows him to travel quickly from one place to another by forming a hurricane around themselves, form a hurricane around his enemies and others. His powers also allow him to control the weather and lightning, as seen in Elements of Surprise Part Two.

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  • Flight: Air's form allows them to flight.

[*]Pyrokinesis: Elementor inherits Fire's control over fire. He can launch fireballs through his hands and mouth.

  • Fire Cyclone: By combining air and fire's powers they are able to create a fire cyclone, as seen on Earth Under Siege Part Two when Elementor attacked the C.Y.T.R.O.s and N-Tek ships with one.

  • Magma Creation: They can switch the floor to magma, as seen on Pick Your Poison.

[*]Geokinesis: Elementor inherits Earth's control over earthen materials. He can leviate rocks from the ground and control them and has control over vines, allowing him to ensnare his victims. He can also combine Water and Earth's powers to create mud, as seen in Pick Your Poison.

[*]Hydrokinesis: Elementor inherits Water's control over water. He can remove water from the soil and manipulate it or create projectiles made out of water.

  • Ice Creation: As seen in Elements of Surprise Part Two, Elementor can create ice projectiles that freeze anything that they touch.


Ultimate Elementor's weaknesses

  • Energy Core: Like other Ultralinks, Elementor has an energy core located on its forehead, which is their weak spot. If hit by something, they will feel disoriented for a few seconds, allowing their foes to attack then.

  • Desynchronization: Initially, the Elementors would frequently argue about who should control their body, which would often lead to their defeat. However, this issue was solved after Split Decisions, as they had realized that they were much stronger with their combined efforts, resulting them in becoming a big threat to N-Tek in Pick Your Poison.

  • Their abilities are useless when they are frozen or immobile, although they can switch to their fire form to unfreeze themselves.