


universe Dragon Ball Capsule Corp

Trunks's History

Prison Planet Saga

Sometime after the "Future" Trunks Saga, Future Trunks travels back to the present timeline to train with Goku and Vegeta.[17] Not long after coming back to the present, Future Trunks encounters and battles Fu. Future Trunks ends up imprisoned by him on the Prison Planet but is broken out by Cooler where they soon after battle Bojack for possession of a Special Dragon Ball.

Future Trunks later appeared to protect Future Mai from Cunber's ki blast and received his sword and clothes from her. He then prepares to fight off Cumber in order to buy time for Goku and Vegeta to fuse into Vegito, but is easily choked out by the Evil Saiyan.

In the manga, he along with Golden Cooler, follow Majin Ozotto through a portal that he uses to travel to the Chaos Area of the Prison Planet. There they confront the Ghost Warriors, Kid Buu, Bojack, Lord Slug, Turles, and Cell created by a machine belonging to Hatchiyack. When Ozotto gets Hatchiyack to destroy the machine and gathers his Six-Star Special Dragon Ball, Ozotto uses his teleportation abilities to send Trunks and Cooler back to the Green Area.

When the Prison Planet is on the verge of destruction due to the battles involving Cunber. Future Trunks along with the others are teleported back to Beerus' Planet thanks to Xeno Goku's Instant Transmission where they each say their farewells.

Universal Conflict Saga

Fuwa, the Supreme Kai from Universe 6, appears on Beerus' Planet and tells Future Trunks and his father of an unknown enemy who has appeared in his Universe and began a war. Future Trunks and Vegeta travel to Sadala to assist Hit, Cabba, Kale, and Caulifla in their battle against the twins Oren and Kamin. Removing his sword from his sheathe and transforming into a Super Saiyan, he engages them in battle. The two artificial lifeforms enter into the wounds of Kale and Caulifla and possess them, after the Tuffleized Caulifla takes down Hit, she goes after Future Trunks, who asks his father what they should do.

When Hit joins back into the battle, he and Future Trunks buy time for Vegeta who powers up a Final Flash which he prepares to fire at the Tuffleized Saiyans. They leave their host before the blast lands on them though it still hits Future Trunks and the others. He along with every one else is then pinned to the ground by a gravitational force belonging to Hearts. When Fused Zamasu appears, Future Trunks is surprised to see him still alive.

Future Trunks and Vegeta then head to Universe 11 only for his father to be possessed by Oren shortly afterwards. Angry over his father being controlled, Future Trunks transforms into a Super Saiyan and charges Oren but is quickly blasted into the sea when he uses Smash Break on him. Future Trunks returns not long after to take a swipe at Fused Zamasu but misses. He is then taken down for a second time by Oren who prepares to kill him but thanks to the timely arrival of Goku he is saved. Trunks watches as Goku battles both Kamin and Oren. When Hearts uses Lagss power to attack Goku, Trunks attempts to help him but is intercepted by Kamioren, the merger of Kamin and Oren. Trunks is told by his father to get back as he proceeds to watch him battle the merged warrior, amazed when his father evolves even further into Super Saiyan God SS Evolved.

When Lagss attempts to finish off Goku, Trunks saves him and fights her in his place. After charging through her attack he fires a large energy blast at her. Lagss counters with an attack from below ground but Goku pushes him out of the way and takes the attack instead. Soon after he is pinned to the ground by Hearts along with everyone else but Shin teleports into the area and thanks to both he and Goku's Instant Transmission, they are able to get away safely.

He arrives in Universe 7 along with the rest of the Dragon Team when the Core Area Warriors show up. Transforming into a Super Saiyan, Trunks rushes to engage in battle with Fused Zamasu. He asks him why after previously trying to exterminate all mortals before, would he now team up with one but Zamasu refuses to answer him. Shortly after, he and his father join Piccolo and Android 17 in their fight against the newly powered up Kamioren. Despite attacking all together they have no effect on their opponent and Trunks is caught up in Kamioren's energy blast and falls to the ground and out of his Super Saiyan form.

During Goku's fight with Kamioren, Future Trunks and the other members of the Dragon Team assist Goku by launching an energy barrage against the merged Neo Machine Mutant. After Kamioren is killed and Zamasu returns, Trunks once again asks why he would defend a mortal like Hearts and this time he answers by saying that after he kills Zeno he can execute his Zero Mortal Plan. Trunks joins in with the others in attacking him but is swiftly taken down in a single blow. After Hearts re-appears and kills Zamasu, Trunks attempts to face him along with the others but is taken down multiple times with ease. He then buys Goku and his father some time so that they can fuse into Gogeta.

While watching Gogeta in action, Hearts summons a powerful God Meteor. After Gogeta, Jiren and Hit destroy it with a combined blast, Future Trunks blasts away at the remaining fragments while Gogeta charges ahead. Gogeta finally defeats Hearts and peace returns to Earth once more.