Tristan Firth

Tristan Firth

Tristan Firth's History

**Hogwarts House:** Hufflepuff

**Blood Status:** Half-blood

**Wand Type:** Larch, 9 inches, Phoenix feather core

**Species:** Human

**Magic Types:** Beast Taming, Non-Verbal Spells, Dueling

**Occupation:** Magizoologist

**Birthplace:** Leeds, England

**Character Profile:**

Name: Tristan Firth


Tristan was born into a world split between magic and machinery. His mother, a gifted witch with an affinity for magical creatures, and his father, a muggle engineer, encouraged a blend of practical and magical education.


Tristan's Hufflepuff loyalty is as steadfast as his curiosity is boundless. He's known for his playful pranks and his ability to make anyone smile. His easygoing nature is often punctuated by a mischievous glint in his eye, especially when he's onto a new discovery.

**Magical Skills:**

With an aptitude for non-verbal spells, Tristan can communicate silently with creatures and cast spells without a whisper. His wand, made of larch with a phoenix feather core, is responsive and has a particular flair for dueling spells.


As a budding Magizoologist, Tristan has a natural rapport with magical beasts and is often found venturing into the Forbidden Forest for research or to tend to the creatures within.


With tousled dark hair and green eyes, Tristan's roguish charm is accented by his Hufflepuff attire, worn with a casual disregard for convention. His skin bears the telltale signs of many days spent under the sun on various expeditions.


The wand he holds, warm to the touch and glowing at the tip, is a reliable companion for his adventures and has been with him through many tight spots.

**Special Traits:**

Tristan has a knack for taming even the most temperamental of magical beasts, often with nothing more than a look and a gesture.

**Future Aspirations:**

He dreams of charting undiscovered magical creatures and creating sanctuaries for them, furthering the work of Newt Scamander and ensuring the magical world remains a secret from muggle eyes.