Totally Normal Man

Totally Normal Man

Eddie Yaogskin

Superhero Database Original Characters

Totally Normal Man's powers and abilities

You see his bag? Yeah. There are balls the size of a marble in there and there are more marbles in his other bags in his house. He have exactly 343 bags. And there are about 200 marbles in each bag. And one marble contains infinite universes, timelines, dimensions, realms, multiverses, realities, etc.. And he can easily crash a marble with his bare hand without even using any of his strength. So he can destroy infinite universes, timelines and more. He can also create marbles so he can also create novemdecillions of universes and timelines and more. He can also go inside marble[u]s[/u] at same time and see everyone doing stuffs and everything that are happening all at the same time. He can also make anyone do anything in any universes,

timelines, dimensions and more. He can basically control the plot of the things that are happening in the marbles.