


universe Dragon Ball Verse

Toppo's History

Dragon Ball Super

In the anime, Toppo, clad in a dark hood, is present at the Zeno Expo sharing the platform with Belmod, Marcarita, and Khai of his universe. He initially deflects an energy blast fired from the battle nearby, and said that it was rude for someone to do such a thing to a God.

He later challenges Goku to a fight shortly after Goku defeated Bergamo, believing the latter to be evil for his role in the creation of the Tournament of Power. With permission from Zeno and the Great Priest, he is allowed to fight Goku, who readily accepts the challenge.

The two fight before Toppo manages to overwhelm Super Saiyan Goku with series of joint locks and submission holds. Just as it seems he would win, Goku enters Super Saiyan Blue and manages to turn the tables on him. Undeterred, Toppo continues his fight with Goku and manages to hold his own against him until Goku unleashes an Instant Transmission-combined God Kamehameha at him. Toppo emerges from the attack with a few scratches but is livid when he sees his uniform torn and condemns the Saiyan for damaging the symbol of pride for his team. He powers up with anger as Goku enters his Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken technique with both preparing to go all out in the fight. However, Great Priest intervenes and stops the fight. Goku approaches Toppo to thank him for a good fight and compliments his strength however, Toppo shrugs off Goku's thanks by stating that there is a friend of his that would be even stronger than him: Jiren.

Some time after the fight, he decides to go to a bar, eating snacks with a concerned look in his eyes, realizing how much of his universe's safety is at stake. His General, Kahseral, enters and asks why he is so upset. Just as Toppo was about to explain why, a call within his universe arises, and he has to stop a foe Dyspo cannot stop alone. Eventually, he does explain the situation to the rest of his comrades and expresses that while the Pride Troopers will be understaffed temporarily, the newbies would take over and understand what it truly means to be a Pride Trooper. He and Dyspo were trying to bring Kahseral back to the bar to recruit him into the tournament, but Kahseral was busy trying to save a cat. After he finally does so, they're ready to depart.

During the tournament, he started out his campaign by briefly clashing with Basil, and then ended up fighting Auta Magetta of Universe 6. Goku attempts to fight Toppo, however, Murichim of Universe 10 knocked Goku aside. Toppo reappeared again when Goku finally attempted to fight Jiren and attacked him with his Justice Flash and then told the latter that he sent Kahseral, Tupper, Zoire, Kettle, and Cocotte to take care of the Saiyan while the two of them rest up.

When Brianne de Chateau called out for her fellow warriors, Toppo was seen with Dyspo as they heard her as Jimizu and Zirloin flew off to join their fellow warriors to watch and cheer on the Kamikaze Fireballs' transformation. After Android 17 interrupted their transformation, Toppo soon joined Brianne in scolding the android about his disruption of posing and transforming as he states its importance. He is thanked by Brianne for understanding their purpose but is told that they won't hold back as he promises them the same as well. He then rejoined with Dyspo and watched the girls transform into their magical girl forms with Toppo admitting it is "truly justice". Brianne then unleashed heart shaped explosions that unleashed an odor that filled those who smelt it with love, Toppo tried to resist it as well as Dyspo, and dodged the attack. He, alongside Jiren and K'nsi, watched Dyspo's fight with Hit, and when he saw Dyspo getting beaten, Toppo sent in K'nsi to help him. After K'nsi is defeated, Top decides to drop all restraints, even moral ones, in order to save his universe.

Toppo was then seen throwing a Justice Punch at Cabba, sending him flying into a rock. Afterwards, Toppo did a pose following his success. Toppo later watched as Jiren challenged Goku, silently encouraging Jiren to defeat Goku and win the tournament, so he can get his wish from the Super Dragon Balls. He, alongside Dyspo, watched Jiren and Goku's Universe 7's Spirit Bomb collision. After Jiren seemingly vaporized Goku, Toppo and Dyspo gathered around him protectively when the other warriors prepared to attack. He witnessed that Goku was alive and transformed into his Ultra Instinct Sign form. Top and Dyspo then tried to attack Goku, however they were easily countered and thrown aside. Toppo tried to use Justice Flash, but Goku casually dodges the attack by walking towards Jiren. Jiren showed Top a hand signal, informing him that his help is not needed.

As Jiren went up against Hit, Toppo complimented that he was doing well against Jiren and then joined Dyspo as they took on Biarra and Catopesra when attempted to take out Jiren.

Much later, Toppo challenged Vegeta to a fight, but was dismissed by Vegeta as being merely "second fiddle" to Jiren. However, Toppo retorted that the same went for Vegeta with respect to Goku, causing the enraged Saiyan prince to enter Super Saiyan Blue form and engage Toppo in battle. When Kale transformed into Legendary Super Saiyan, it distracted Toppo and Vegeta from their battle. While Toppo commented that Saiyans are not to be underestimated, Vegeta remarked that among the Saiyans, he is at the top, punching Toppo away. Topop then pushed Vegeta because he was too distracted by Goku and Kefla's battle. Toppo said he can observe them as much as he wants from the sidelines, before appearing behind him and catching him with Justice Rear Naked Choke, though Vegeta managed to break free. Afterwards, he and Dyspo reunited with Jiren, after the latter stopped meditating due to Ultra Instinct Sign Goku's return, and he discussed how Goku kept on getting stronger and stronger as time went on.

In the manga, Toppo and Dyspo fought Goku as he attempted to reach Jiren, only for Goku to break free by turning Super Saiyan Blue. The duo soon encountered Vegeta, who knocked Dyspo aside and proceeded to battle Toppo. Toppo and Vegeta's battle was interrupted when Kale transformed into the Legendary Super Saiyan, knocking the two off the ring. Toppo was however saved by Dyspo before he could fully fall off and resumed his battle with Vegeta, powering up to his full power as he did so. When Vegeta achieved Evolved Super Saiyan Blue, Toppo was flung back onto a piece of rubble and when Dyspo was lured out to try and save them, Frieza destabilized their platform with a Death Beam, leading to their elimination as Jiren refused to save them.

In the anime, after Universe 7 defeats Agnilasa, leaving only two universes left, the remaining warriors of Universe 11 confront the warriors of Universe 7. As Goku and Vegeta do battle with Jiren and Frieza does battle with Dyspo, Toppo begins his battle against Gohan and Android 17. Toppo attacks Gohan first, overwhelming the half-Saiyan. However, just before he can strike Gohan, Android 17 attacks Toppo with a ki blast, knocking him back. Then, Gohan prepares a Ultimate Kamehameha and fires it at the Pride Trooper, but to the utter shock of both Gohan and Android 17, Top is uninjured. Toppo mocks their strength and says he will rip them to pieces. Gohan eventually breaks off from the fight, leaving Toppo to fight only Android 17.

Toppo chases down Android 17 and almost knocks him off the edge. However, Frieza assists 17 and proceeds to torture Toppo, ultimately severely wounding the latter. At this point, Toppo decides to abandon his value of justice and focus on survival, and as a result ascends to a God of Destruction, much to the shock and horror of Beerus and Shin. He decides to attack Frieza, who arrogantly believes his Golden Form is more than a match against a God of Destruction, and appears to easily overwhelm and eliminate Frieza with a blast of Energy of Destruction. He returns his attention to 17, who vainly tries to find an opening. Toppo eventually corners the android, but is once again interrupted by Frieza before he can finish him off. Toppo challenges Frieza to attack him with everything he has, and Frieza responds by attempting to use a Golden Death Ball. Toppo easily destroys this attack and viciously beats down Frieza. Toppo returns one of Frieza's taunts and attempts to kick him off the stage, but Android 17 saves Frieza.

Toppo and 17 then resume battle. 17's attack is overpowered and is forced to go on the run from Toppo trying to outsmart him. Eventually 17 is able to use Toppo's destruction against him burying him under a pile of rocks, but Toppo quickly powers through it and lays into 17 with dozens of ki blasts. 17 is overpowered and Toppo goes to destroy the arena but is stopped by Frieza who uses his psychic powers on him but is horrified it is having no effect. Jiren, annoyed Toppo is struggling to eliminate 17 and Frieza suddenly fires a giant Power Impact at them blasting them aside and motions for Top to take Vegeta. Initially Vegeta is powerless against Top and is easily beaten into debris. Toppo prepares to destroy everything and fires it at Vegeta. Vegeta remembers his family, his promise to Cabba and his pride as a Saiyan and taps deeper into his new power and flies through the attack destroying it and begins to overwhelm Toppo, with Toppo powerless to stop him. Vegeta then vows to give him an attack he can't destroy and prepares his Final Explosion once again, prepared to kill himself to stop Toppo. Toppo attempts to destroy Vegeta's attack but Vegeta powers his way through it and fires off his attack, destroying all but now a small section of the ring, eliminating Toppo and making him lose his god's form. Vegeta is left in a crater still alive but almost out of power. Jiren mocks and insults Toppo, saying he is disappointed that Top abandoned his principles and still lost in the end, compared to Vegeta, who reigned victorious and still held true to his beliefs.

Toppo then tensely watches the final battle between Jiren and Goku in his Ultra Instinct Sign form and when he witnesses Jiren blocking Goku's Ultra Instinct Kamehameha, he states that since his first battle with Goku in his Ultra Instinct Sign form and later observing it while the Saiyan was battling Kefla, Jiren was able to analyze and counter his empowered opponent. As the battle between the Saiyan and the Pride Trooper rages on, Toppo starts to grow concerned from the amount of heat that Goku is emitting in his Ultra Instinct Sign form and was in shock when he sees that Goku is beginning to switch from the defensive half of the form to the offensive half, resulting in the Saiyan countering Jiren's attacks. Toppo became incredulous at how heated Jiren was becoming in the fight and was utterly shocked upon seeing Goku completing Ultra Instinct and then casually dominating Jiren in the process.

After Jiren was overwhelmed and seemingly defeated by Android 17 and Frieza, Top encouraged Jiren to not give up as he is not one to accept defeat. Top continues to say that he believes in Jiren and his strength even if Jiren himself does not and will always acknowledge him as the strongest. This motivates Jiren to stand up and continue on fighting, however, as the battle progresses, Jiren is eventually defeated and ringed out by the combined might of Goku, Frieza, and Android 17. Top immediately rushes to Jiren's aid and thanks his friend for fighting his hardest in order to preserve the survival of their universe before being erased along with Universe 11. Later on, when Universe 11 along with the other universes were restored by Android 17's wish, Top approaches Jiren and tells him that despite what Jiren may think, the only reason he was able to stand back up and continue to fight is because Jiren acknowledged Top's words of encouragement which connects to companionship. Top then declares that the next time they meet Universe 7 they will surely win.