Titanus Ossuarium, The Colossus Of Eons (The Eonic Chronicles)

OC Titanus Ossuarium, The Colossus Of Eons (The Eonic Chronicles)

universe Superhero Database Original Characters


1. **Name**: Titanus Ossuarium, the Colossus of Eons 2. **Tier**: 6-B, Country level (Its immense size and integration with the environment suggest it could possess the power to shape or destroy large geographical areas, such as countries). 3. **Powers and Abilities**: - **Terrakinesis**: Ability to manipulate the earth and terrain. - **Bio-Fusion**: Merges living ecosystems into its structure. - **Nature Manipulation**: Can control natural growth and the environment around it. - **Regeneration (Environmental)**: Draws from the land to rebuild any damage to its form. - **Size Manipulation**: Can possibly alter its size by incorporating more of the environment into its form. 4. read more

  • Power Stats

Official Superhero Database stats. | Class: 23,907


Creator yes
UniverseSHDB OC - Superhero Database Original Characters
Character Tier 3 (Country)
Full name
Alter Egos No alter egos found.
Place of birth
First appearance
Alignment Good


Gender Male
Species // Type Elder
Height 2.13 km • 13.26 mile
Weight -
Eye color Black
Hair color No Hair
Skin color White


Played by
Occupation The Eternal Warden of the Natural Order This titanic entity is the living embodiment of the planet's geological history and vitality. Its purpose is to safeguard the balance between growth and decay, ensuring that the cycle of life continues unimpeded. T
Base The Evergrowing Bastion is not a structure built but one that has emerged naturally over millennia. It spans a vast region, centered around Titanus Ossuarium himself, whose skeletal form rises like the highest peak. This living fortress is composed of lan
Relatives 1. **Gaiastra, the Mother of Groves (Mother)**: As the embodiment of fertility and growth, Gaiastra's essence infuses the soil and gives life to the forests and plains that drape over Titanus Ossuarium, her vitality giving rise to the verdant landscapes that make up his form. 2. **Petrarach, the Mountain Sovereign (Father)**: A colossal figure composed of the oldest stone, Petrarach's towering form represents the unyielding strength of the bedrock. His union with Gaiastra gave birth to Titanus Ossuarium, a being of both life and stone. 3. **Florion, the Bloom Sentinel (Sibling)**: A guardian spirit that roams the vast flora covering Titanus Ossuarium, Florion is a protector of the delicate balance of ecosystems, nurturing the life that thrives upon the Colossus.
Teams No teams added.
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