Tiffany Welles

Tiffany Welles

Tiffany Welles

Charlie's Angels

Tiffany Welles's powers and abilities

Tiffany had some skill at unarmed combat, but not sufficient that she could reliably defend herself against a larger opponent even if she surprised him.

Tiffany was good with ropes. She was able to free her hands even after they'd been tied behind her. She was able to untie her feet even while her hands were tied.[19] She could recognize properly tied lines used to secure a yacht, and was competent in tying them herself.

Tiffany spoke Latin and knew how to dance the tango. Tiffany had experience organizing seances.

Tiffany went to truck-driving school to learn to drive an eighteen-wheeler for a case. She was able to do considerable maintenance on a Rolls Royce with relatively little coaching.