Tiamok Rath

Tiamok Rath

Tiamok Rath

universe Prime Marvel Universe


Ahasan 23 d
Tiamok Rath
47 months member
@xerodeep is that status ok?
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xerodeep 23 d
Tiamok Rath
72 months member
The tier or overall? Honestly, probably not, but she hasn't had enough appearances yet for more feats or powers. She held her own against the entire Avengers team for a while but I've added all the powers she's shown so the only thing I could think of is increasing the tier which I could see making sense. She just hasn't had the feats yet besides fighting Captain Marvel to a draw and taking on the Avengers for a bit before being restrained. I think the overall score should be higher but just couldn't justify additional powers for sure and was skeptical on the tier. Where do you think she should be at?
Last edited: 23 d ago.