

Thunderhead's powers and abilities

Storm Manipulation: Thunderhead could harness and control extreme weather conditions through the manipulation of barometric pressure, allowing him to harness rain, high winds, lightning bolts and other discharges. The weakness of this ability was the requirement for the weather to be cloudy, otherwise his abilities would be rendered useless.

Flight: Tied to his storm powers, Thunderhead was also able to fly, though only in cloudy weather. On clear days, his transportation was provided by a Multi-Environmental Vehicle, which could double as a plane and a car.

Enhanced Strength: The strength bar in Thunderhead’s NSA file was filled over half-way, suggesting that he possessed some level of enhanced strength.

Enhanced Endurance: The endurance bar on Thunderhead’s NSA file was filled over half-way. This suggested that he possessed a level of enhanced endurance, allowing him to perform heroics for longer without tiring.