

Thor Odinson

Twilight Of The Gods Universe

Thor's History

Thor Odinson, the thunder-born Lord of Storms, was the primary antagonist of Twilight of the Gods voiced by Pilou Asbæk. In Norse mythology, Thor is the god of the sky and son of Odin.

In his search for Loki, his betrayer, Thor brought his brother Baldr to Jötunheim. He faced Glaumar, the leader of the giants, as he crashed his daughter Sigrid's wedding. When they could not turn over Loki, Thor killed every last giant. Sigrid and Leif hid the children away, but when he was finished with the rest, Thor came down on their hiding place, crushing the entire building to dust. He assumed there were no survivors, but Sigrid and Leif were thrown aside by the blast, hurt but alive.

When Thor's father, Odin, sent his Bolverkrs after Sigrid to protect Thor, Thor felt insulted and went after her, himself. The Bolverkrs successfully found Sigrid's group and gave chase, but Thor quickly caught up to them, taking out the Bolverkers in a sweep of lightning so he could have Sigrid to himself. He caught her and defeated her, then offered her a chance to live on. He would even give her a miracle, making her womb fertile. She refused without question, but before Thor could kill her, their battle passed the border of Vanaheim. Unable to enter the city by holy treaty, Thor was forced to flee.

Thor had never fled from battle before. His heaven could no longer provide him any happiness. Sandraudiga the Dread arrived to greet him. Having never tasted defeat, he didn't recognize her, but now that she was there, he took comfort in accepting her. He began an affair with her.

When Thought and Memory brought news of Sigrid and the Vanir's arrival in Asgard, Thor happily got out of bed and went to join Heimdall where he could greet them. He was joined by Freya and Baldr to meet with the leaders of the opposing force, Sigrid, King Tiwaz of the Vanir, and Dahl of the jötun. Baldr offered Thor's atonement to appease Tiwaz, but Tiwaz would accept no less than Thor's death, which they would not provide. Negotiations were futile, so the two sides prepared for war.

Thor searched for Sigrid in the battle but found only Vanir. He killed without challenge as he scoured the field. When the battle ended, Sigrid came for him in the night, but he was prepared. He captured her and her companions before Loki appeared. As Thor's true target, Loki easily grabbed Thor's attention long enough for Sigrid and the others to escape, then also fled.

On the second day of battle, Thor thundered into the battlefield with a crash that threw Vanir and Aesir alike aside. He found the Vanir king, Tiwaz, and engaged in single combat, surrounded by warring factions. Thor took Tiwaz's head and sent shockwaves through the armies as they witnessed the loss. This successfully drew out Sigrid and Loki, who teamed up against him, quickly joined by the rest of Sigrid's recruits. They were able to overwhelm Thor with numbers, but couldn't land a decisive blow.

When Thor killed Hervor, Sigrid's oldest human friend, she lost her will to fight and mourned. Thor summoned Sandraudiga to offer Sigrid a peaceful end to the battle, but Sigrid would not surrender. She took up Antler and continued to fight, as did the others engaged in battle. Leif turned his ax on Thor and Thor prepared to bring his hammer down on him as he did Hervor, but Sigrid threw Antler to take the killing blow. Baldr stepped in to protect Thor, taking the god-killing iron laced with mistletoe into his torso.

Baldr's body vanished in a beam of light. Thor lost his temper and charged at Sigrid, but Freya stepped in to block him, helping him instead express his sorrow. She took him to Valhalla where he leveled his head. He was soon joined by Sigrid, slain by Loki to be given a final chance to slay Thor, but he no longer held animosity toward her.