The Superhero Database Classification number, or SHDB Class, is a number that represents the overall 'power' of a character. All traits of a character are used for calculating the Classification.
What it DOESN'T mean
This doesn't mean that a higher class would always beat a lower class character. But the bigger the difference in Class is, the more obvious it is who'll win in a fight.
How is this calculated
( INT^1.3 + (STR*0.5 )^2 + (SPE*0.5)^2 + DUR^1.6 + (POW + (SPS*SPL))^2 + COM^1.8 ) ^ TIER
Super Power Score and Level
Every Super Power has a score (SPS) that is used to calculate the Class. Each Super Power also has 3 levels (SPL). The level is set when connecting that Super Power to a character. The level determines the final score, of the Super Power, being used in the calculation.
The Weaver exists beyond the Low Umbra which is the conceptual realm of death.
She exists beyond the concepts of Ying and Yang (Transduality Type 3)
She exists vastly beyond the Umbra, which transcends the boundaries of nature and the human mind, where dreams and concepts are made manifest, a realm of pure spirit where laws of the physical world, like physics, gravity, forces, cause and effect play no part.
She exists in a realm of pure sets, being the same as a Type IV Tegmark Multiverse.
And she can affect the entire Tellurian, which contains all descriptions of the impossible and possible.
To better understand how strong the Tellurian is, it’s the whole of creation.
It’s essentially everything that has been imagined, can be imaged and has yet to be imagined.
It’s also the concept of reality.