The Ultimate Zenith

The Ultimate Zenith

The Ultimate Zenith

The Ultimate Zenith's powers and abilities

Cosmic keystone: the ultimate zenith, is a metaphysical structure created by a grand Originator which is the fundamental and essential anchor of entire Multiverse.

Omniarch: The ultimate zenith is supposed to be a function used for a grand originator meant to dominate all world, dimension, law, and existence.

Omnilock: the ultimate zenit, is omnilocked location exising beyond all creation of infinite cosmos.

Totality collpase: The ultimate zenith, can destroy all totality including all concepts, narratives, verses, and etc if only shaken.

Almighty Mind: The ultimate zenith Represents an all-powerful psychic mind more essentially controlling and transcending everything through its almighty mental abilitiy potentially able to do anything without limit

Transcendent Consciousness: The ultimate zenith is considered the Cosmic primordial consciousness, which is an infinite source of all consciousness, imagination, and minds originating from it.



Intelligence200 IQ

Super Powers
