The Transcendent Warlock (The Transcendents)

The Transcendent Warlock (The Transcendents)

The Warlock

The Transcendent Warlock's History

The Transcendent Warlock was seemingly the first being that came to existence everything else Was nonexistent except for a few dietys and stuff like that but he would later create everything in existence he watched over everything in existence and knew the past present and future and he could see everything happening but everything was fine untill the Serpant of destruction got tired of having to be controlled so the Serpent decided to start a rebellion and lead a war against Creation itself where everything was at stake he consumed countless multuverses dimensions and he later consumed the cosmic tapestry which is a infnite forest that has infinite trees each tree has infinite branchs a single nuclei had a infinite hierarchy if itself that all dimensionally and conceptually surpassed each other endlessly and every single one had the same logic as the nuclei they were inside of every branch had infinite amount of smaller branchs aswell where each nuclei in a atom followed the same logic where the atoms would transcend beyond these nucleis and alot more making this structure a Very powerful one shocking of all its the lowest structure known and for so long this thing remained destoryed as the Serpent of Destruction consumed everything in his sight he was doing this so fast it distorted reality itself from his mere speed his mere presence was destorying everything an uncountable amount of universes multiverses dimensions etc were destoryed but that was all untill the elder gods went to stop him in the battle they weren't able to stop him and when the transcendent warlock confronted him the serpant of destruction attacked him countless times using All his abilities at once but the transcendent warlock did not face a scratch and no matter what he never got hurt by the Serpent of Destruction and then the serpant of destruction fleed and fleed but the transcendent warlock catches up with him in seconds and he one shot him and then sent him to a cage where he remains to this day

(Thats all I'm gonna write about him lol)