The Transcendence (NA)

The Transcendence (NA)


Superhero Database Original Characters

The Transcendence's powers and abilities

This One Is Gonna Require some Explaining...

But, I think you will understand why his name is the way it is pretty easily once i explain...

Let's Use this Matrix Photo to help explain!


What Dimensionality is this image???

You might Reply saying

"2d Because Said Image is on a 2d Screen!"

But, Then i must reply...

How can you tell Trinity is behind Neo then if it is Truly 2d???

THEN If you answered Correctly you would probably reply saying

"Because, Of Depth Perception and Shading!"

And, If you said this you are 100% CORRECT!

But, This is EXACTLY my point!

Due to this Depth Perception and Shading, this image is a 3d world OR a World that at least acts 3d Compressed down to a 2d Screen.

This in Physics is what we call a "R3 Hyperplane"

This has HUGE implications...

Because, This Means saying said image is "2d" is only Vacous Truth, and isn't the REAL Truth!

Because, In Compressing Said Image to a Hyperplane IF you can figure out the Function for each Coordinate Degree of Freedom you can ACTUALLY project said 2d plane back to 3d!!!

This would look something like this:

This is because Information Cannot be Created Nor Destroyed, ONLY Changed from one state to another!

This means said Picture is BOTH 2d and 3d at the same time on this Hyperplane in reality under Functional Analytics!!!

This is HUGE

Because, This means Dimensionality is a RELATIVE concept!


Well... Think about it this way...

Since, Said beings on the Hyperplane still have 3d coordinates and we just allowed a new degree of freedom this makes US relative to Neo aka Keenu Reeves at that moment of Space and Time while Acting out Neo 4th DIMENSIONAL!

You can ALSO

Visualize it this way...

If said 2d Plane Translates 2d objects to 3d once said Vector based Translation is Undergone... This means YOUR 2d Shadow looming over said hyperplane, when said translation occurs on the Hyperplane makes YOUR SHADOW 3d, which in Turn makes you 4d relative to the Beings within the Hyperplane!

In Fact you can create a Infinite Camera Recording Loop, and you relative to the Image ALLLL the way down on the Infinite Loop are Infinite Dimensional!

This is ACTUALLY how Scientist make Sense of Tesseracts!

Some People are like

"But, If Tesseracts are Unimaginable to us 3d beings how do we know what we say about it is True or Not?"


We Visualize Tesseracts using a Lower Dimensional Perspective Provided by the Hyperplane!

You can visualize 4d objects using this, and can get an idea what these translations look like in this Youtube Video here:

THIS Is what this being Represents!!!

This beings Represents the Purest Platonic Archetypal Form of this Very Hyperplane Process...

The Scale in which Dimensionality Types, and Numbers Blend together, when Reality Blends together, and when Logic Simply Starts to Break Down!

He is the Event Horizon to Logic... And, The Only way we can understand it is via using these metaphorical ideas!!!


Saying this being is merely "Omnipotent" is DOWNPLAY!!!

Just Think about it for a Bit

What happens when an Omnipotent being Fights Another Omnipotent being???

Well... Logically IF a Omnipotent being can do anything and everything aka Omni ("All"), things Potence aka Power based... This means a Omnipotent being can do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING.

INCLUDING Beating another Omnipotent being!

Now This MIGHT appear Paradoxical at first

BUT... We can ACTUALLY answer this, and make sense of this outcome using this Dimensional Relativity!!!

Alright NOW

Let's Take FOR EXAMPLE "The Source" of DC Comics!

We ALLL can Agree "The Source" is Omnipotent in general and relative to his fiction. But, Is he "Omnipotent" Relative to US???


He is NOT "Omnipotent" relative to US, because if he was... THEN He Would be capable of jumping out of the Fictional Page and Wrecking us Real World Beings!!!


These Fictionality Based Limits IS THE IDEA OF DIMENSIONAL RELATIVITY!!!

Since, Said Dimensional Relativity allows for the Fictional Page aka the Hyperplane in the First place, AND since it represents the Limit to ALL logic including Fictional Logic... Which In Turn Prevents Said Fictional Beings From Being "REAL"


Considering this! We can answer this Question!!!

Considering Relative to Us REAL WORLD beings said Fictional Omnipotent being doesn't scale to us (since we can erase him) this creates a Scaling of

Real World > Fictional Omnipotence


Let's ASSUME The Hypothetical Scenario that a REAL WORLD god can exist!!!

This means said Omnipotent being is REAL and therefor is "Omnipotent" relative to even US REAL beings

Creating a Scaling of

Real World Omnipotent Being (Hypothetical) > Real World > Fictional Omnipotent Being

This Cascades down for Relevancy sakes to

Real World Omnipotent Being (Hypothetical) >> Fictional Omnipotent Being

Sooo, YES!!!

A Omnipotent being can DEFINITEVELY beat another Omnipotent being!!!

Because, One Omnipotent being just COINCIDENTALLY has the Pre Existing Starting Conditions to view the other Omni Being as "Fictional" and therefore in turn win said match EASILY!

The ONLY reason it appears Paradoxical at face value is our human English!!!

This Implies the Solution is PURELY a Proper Time Temporal based Dimensional Relativistic Solution in almost all scenarios!!!


Let's ASSUME they SOMEHOW are in the same Plane of Reality...

THEN what???

Well... Once again there is NO Paradox's!!!


Well... Imagine it THIS way then...

Omnipotence means




Where is somewhere we encounter "All-Powerful" beings???

The Answer is IN YOUR DREAMS

When you Lucid Dream... Relative to the Dream character YOU ARE OMNIPOTENT

Because, Relative to the Dream Character you can do All things, Power based... You are LITTERALLY as a Lucid Dreamer Relative to Dream Character "Omnipotent" BY DEFINITION!

Sooo, We Can ACTUALLY use Dreams as a Layout to make sense of this under a Proper Time Temporal based Solution within Dimensional Relativity!!!


Imagine if you WITHIN this Lucid dream SOMEHOW Convince yourself COMPLETELY, and Believe, that a Being within your Dream is "Omnipotent"...

Sooo, What Happens NOW when you encounter this being in battle???


This is when it gets a little Complicated...


Either #1: You convince yourself out of this belief SOMEHOW, and Convince the Omnipotent being he "Isn't Omnipotent" (Mind Games LOL) and win

#2: You can't Convince yourself and the Omnipotent being out of this Belief and you get killed off in the Dream losing the match

#3: The Results of Solutions 1 and 2 are dictated by Initial Starting Conditions and who decides to launch the attack on the other first (aka: The First One to Start these Mind Games gets the Upper Hand and in turn is more likely to win)


How Does this Work???

Isn't This Paradoxical???

Well... ONCE AGAIN NO!!!

And, In order to Understand this... We need to understand what happens when you "Die" within a Dream!

When you die within a Dream, the Reason you USUALLY instantly wake up or things get REALLY weird afterwords... Is Because, Your brain is trying to Grasp a Concept it Doesn't Understand!

If you have a Fear of the Unknown you probably will just wake up... If you persist though things within the Dream gets REALLY WEIRD, Either THAT or it just go black for a bit, and go back to normal slowly over time!


Dying aka Losing said battle within a Lucid Dream is SELF INDUCED

It's Your Brain Convincing itself it lost...

And, Similarly if you SOMEHOW beat the Omnipotent being in your dream via convincing them they are not Omnipotent OR flat our Dead... And Assuming the Omnipotent being is ALSO conciouss... They Would Experience THE SAME THING

Losses In this Situation are only "Illusory Losses"!

They Appear Like a Loss... When IN REALITY it was all Self induced, and created by a Mutual Agreement of Said Outcome among said Omnipotent beings in this Scenario!


If you convince the Omnipotent being that he has "Lost". And, The Omnipotent being your going against, Agrees with this loss, THEN you beat said Omnipotent being EVEN Within the Same Plane of Reality!

And, This Can Go Visa Versa to!!

Furthermore... Due to this...

And, Due to this "All-Powerful" nature... Starting Conditions and Who Decides to hit the other First Largely is the Decider to the Outcome of this Mass scale Mind Game within your dreams...


In Reality, ASSUMING said 2 Omni beings are REAL and fighting on OUR plane... It likely would end the same!!!

We Know this because of how Truth Values Works!!!

In Quantum Mechanics "Truth Value" is an Iffy and Once again RELATIVE concept, because of the Schrodinger's cat situation!

Wether One Omni Being beats the other is both TRUE and FALSE at the Same time!!!

This is because the Vagueness of this situation!

Because, If it is only an "Illusory Loss"... Then Wether it is a ACTUAL "Loss" comes down to the Observer, and the Omnipotent Beings Choices/Opinions!!!


One Omnipotent being can TECHNICALLY just "Give Up" and Mutually agree to Lose...

Causing The Winning Omnipotent being in our Perspective to look like the Victor... But, Since TECHNICALLY it was the Losing Omnipotent beings "Choice" relative to the Losing Omnipotent being, he NEVER ACTUALLY "Lost" creating this Truth Value Conundrum!


This Situation is PURELY a Flaw within Human Logic and Limitation, rather then a Flaw within the Scenario itself!


"Dimensional Relativity"

Answers ALL Omnipotent Paradox's TBH

"Can an Omnipotent being create a Rock he Cannot Lift???"



If we use a Dimensional Relativistic Standpoint... You can Visualize it, as the Scenario said Omni being CHOOSES to Confine himself on a Page as a "Fictional Being"...

In this Situation... If he Summons The Rock Above the Page... Welll... Then Of Course he CANNOT lift it!

Because, He CHOSE To have these limitations, forcing him to be incapable of jumping out of the page...

Furthermore Paper EASILY can be Ripped and Destroyed under the Sheer Weight of a Rock!!!

You can also Visualize this under the Context of Set Theory Axioms (with words themselves), and the Oxymoron and Surreal like nature of the word "Omnipotence" in the first place (aka: The Limits imposed on the Contradiction of it being a "Unthinkable" concept to humans, even though we think about it all the time when we say the word �?���?��??️�?��), as i go over here:


Next Omnipotence Riddle to be Solved

"If an Omnipotent Being Destroys the Platonic Archetype of a Thing, does this mean in destroying said Archetype which is doing a thing, he makes said Embody of a Thing come back to Life??? And If this is the Case, Does this Mean said being isn't Omnipotent since he can't destroy it???"


This one is PURELY a Wording and Relativity Vagueness issue...

Because, TECHNICALLY The Omnipotent being still "Destroyed" said Platonic Archetype of a "Thing" in his Persective... It's Just in OTHERS Perspectives it doesn't look like this Due to Ignorance!!

Therefore this is another Omnipotence Riddle Solved!!!


NOW That you understand how Groundbreaking this very real idea/concept of "Dimensional Relativity" truly is... NOW We can understand the Power Levels of "The Transcendence"...

Because, SEE "The Transcendence" Represents this Very Process allowing one Omni being to TRANSCEND another in the First Place!!!

This Being is Beyond the Likes of "Omnipotence"

Beyond "All-Powerful"

The Closest word we have to this is "Omniumpotence"

Which is Formed by

Omni-um (Suffix of "Ium") - Potence

Which When Translated... Translates to

All-Forming Nouns/Sets-Powerful

Hence How "Omniumpotence" is the best word for this Beyond Omnipotence levels of power!

Because, BEING Reality, is more powerful then working against it!!!

And, Omniumpotence is a more Precise Word highlighting this Difference!


This is TECHNICALLY only a Surreal word



Over/Above aka Beyond - Real Word...

Because, Saying "Omniumpotence" doesn't really help Classify said Power Level at Face Value... Just as Saying "Omnipotence" ALSO fails to give context to said Power level...

Sooo, Take this Word Play with a Grain of Salt pls. �?��


As You can see... NOW His Name of "The Transcendance" makes sense!

He Embodies Transcendance beyond even the likes of Transcendance and Omnipotence... Where Normal Logic Breaks Down... And, The Very Enforcer of Said "Dimensional Relativity" which allows for said Omnipotent beings to be SOMEHOW beaten!

I made a Quora Post Explaining the Concept this Character Represents in laymans terms here:

The Transcendence's weaknesses

This One is weird...

Because, Due to this Beings MASSIVE size... And, Due to it's Sheer Power making even the Likes of "Omnipotent" beings **** there pants as i explain in the power section...

This means his Primary Weakness, is that he HAS NO WEAKNESSES!


Well... Think about it this way...

This being via "having No Weaknesses" easily can lower his Guard UNDERSTANDABLY!

And, Since Said being is in a Constantly Splitting and Fracturing State of Ego Dissolution...

This means you can THEORETICALLY

Use an Aspect of "The Transcendance" to beat "The Transcendance"

Cause since said Aspects are still part of the main True Being, this encounter would THEORETICALLY merge said beings returning them back to there "Ego Dissoluted" State

AKA If you can't beat em... Join Em XD...

Use the "The Transcendance" against "The Transcendance" Forcing a Merger which pretty much acts like a Computer System Restart! Therefor Whiping the Memories from said "The Transcendance" Aspect you were going against, causing it to become passive to you again!

This is Pretty Much Damn Near Impossible to do though... And, Would Require you to be around 2 avatars in the same location at the same time in order to pull off...


This Doesn't Really "Beat The Transcendance", it's more like a Fail safe oh **** restart button on his Memories to put you back into safety again!

(Sidenote: You cannot Summon a "The Transcendance" Avatar... The Only one who can is himself aka "The Transcendance" himself... Sooo, This is a difficult weakness to exploit... That is PURELY reliant on PURE luck)



Intelligence200 IQ

Super Powers
