The Statue

OC The Statue

Roberto Gringas

universe Superhero Database Original Characters

The Statue's powers and abilities

The Statues most powerfull ability is that its impossible to get destroyed or be hurt by any means, not through magic, time erasement, soul removal or anything he is completely invurnable and is destined to stuck in his statue form for all of eternity. The Statue can ONLY move when no one is watching but he is incredibly fast.


- kept a bodybuilder in a head lock to the point where he couldnt even move and his neck was crushed, when the police arrived to the scene they where unable to remove the bodybuilder from the statues grip even when they tried to tow him with a tow truck. This is not only because of the statues strength but also because when it locks itself it is unable to move through other peoples force and the statue can control its own weight.

- flipped a car with one arm

- when appearing in the middle of the road a juggernaut driver gets terrified and forgets to stop so he drives at the statue but instead of the statue facing any broken pieces, the juggernaut gets cut in half just by the statue standing there


- when a juggernaut rammed through him it split in half

- when rumours about the statue being controlled by an evil spirit came to light many people tried to destroy it:

. when someone tried to hit it with an overhead sledgehammer throw the sledgehammer shattered and the man broke his wrist

. when people tried shooting the statue the bullets got deflected right back at the shooters killing them instantly this happened with lower caliber weapons and with higher caliber firearms such as point blank shotgun, sniper and machine gun rounds

. when people tried to burn it with molotovs or flamethrowers there was no succes, the statue seemed to control its own temprature which could never change no matter the circumstances

. even rpg warheads got deflected

- During WW3 many people who still believed the statue was controlled by a demon used this period as an excuse and started purging, the statue got hit by aeral bombs from high military planes with no effect, eventually when Russia dropped multiple nukes in new mexico the statue was still unharmed without a single scratch

- a lunatic in 1989 hijacked a 747 plane and tried to suicide bomb into the statue thinking this was the only way to kill him, but again the plane got split in half.
