The Sentinel (Flyovers)

The Sentinel (Flyovers)

Lance Koenig

Superhero Database Original Characters

The Sentinel's powers and abilities

Cosmic Order - The Sentinel was selected when he was a child to weild two of the three aspects of Grand Order: the Red power of Destruction and the Blue power of Space/Time. These energies have steadily augmented his body to be better able to handle the strain and thus even without the energies, he would still be incredibly strong and resilient. He does not require sustenance or sleep as his body is nourished by the energies. In addition, his senses have been massively increased so as to allow him to sense where he needs to be on a galactic or universal scale. The energy is also semi-sentient and will not willingly go into another host. In the case that it does, it will destroy the new hosts body on a molecular level before returning to Lance. Each energy grants him additional abilities, which will be listed below.

    The Red Power of Destruction - This aspect of Grand Order unsuprisingly deals with breaking/destorying beings, objects, energies or forces. It is also the dominant of the two and will take temporary control of the Sentinel's body if he enters into dire straights.

  • Destruction Energy Blasts - As long as Lance knows the make up of a target, he can completely disintegrate it with a blast of his Red energy. If he does not know the makeup, he can expend more energy to simply overwhelm the target's defenses and destroy it. An insuffiecient amount of energy expended in that case will simply result in pain for the target and them being pushed back. This ability can be used incredibly precisely to target specific materials/creatures/objects on both a large and small scale.

  • Power Boost - By drawing more of the Red into himself, Lance can increase his physical characteristics by two to three times safely.

  • Takeover - As mentioned above, while in a crisis that the Sentinel does not know how to handle or cannot emotionally cope with, the Red will take over for a short amount of time or until the threat is over. In this state, the Sentinel loses access to the more powerful Blue abilities, but he gains access to the previous power boost in a near continuous amount and can further augment it. His destruction energy is also much more potent to an incredible degree. This state is focused and condescending, taking down foes only after taking their hits and belittling them. Lance hates this state and will seek to stay out of it at all costs.

    The Blue Power of Space/Time - This aspect of Grand Order is again, self explanatory. It is also the submissive of the two aspects and does not exert as much influence on the Sentinel.

  • Spatial Manipulation - The Sentinel can manipulate space around him to a very precise degree, moving himself wherever he wants over an interstellar scale and allowing him to create 'barriers' of hard space that can block projectiles and other attacks. This ability also grants him a degree of knowledge over the location of every object in a radius of about 10 miles. He can also transport other beings like he does himself, but sufficient will on the target's behalf can stop this. He prefers not to do that, only moving another with explicit permission.

  • Time Manipulation - Although he cannot move backwards or forwards in time, as that is disallowed by all versions of the Time Entity, he can slow and speed up time in localized areas. He can also look backwards into time as well as forwards, although the latter only grants him visions of possible scenarios.

  • Psychometry - Although all Keepers have some degree of psychometry, those with the Blue energy have the most detailed version. This allows the Sentinel with but a touch to instantly analyze the structure of anything he touches and view the detailed history of the object/person he is in contact with.

Animal Empath - Due to the trauma of his ascendance into a Cosmic Order Keeper, his body activated his latent super human capability, which was the ability to naturally commune with animals of all kinds.

The Sentinel's weaknesses

Reluctance - Lance is reluctant to get into a fight and will always seek to talk a problem out before attempting to fight. He also attempts to use his precognitive abilities to find the least violent means to end a battle before it happens.

Self Doubt - Lance does not view himself as an ideal conduit for his cosmic energies and thus doubts his own ability to wield it properly.