The Scorpion God

The Scorpion God

Magic: the Gathering

The Scorpion God's History

The Scorpion God was one of the three gods who were imprisoned and distorted by Nicol Bolas to serve his interests during the Hour of Revelation, with the Scorpion's duty being to kill the unaltered Gods. The original functions, appearances and names of these gods have been lost.

The Scorpion God in its original form looked over Amonkhet with its sibling deities, although its specific functions are unknown. It fought against the invading Elder Dragon, but was ultimately defeated alongside the rest. Unlike Bontu, Hazoret, Kefnet, Oketra and Rhonas, the Scorpion God's mind and form were drastically altered by Bolas before being sealed inside a sarcophagus underneath the Luxa to be released before Bolas's return.

After the Luxa was drained, the Scoprion God emerged from its sarcophagus alongside the Locust and Scarab Gods. They were greeted by the other Amonkhet Gods and Rhonas challenged the insectoid gods to battle, believing this to be his personal trial. While the Locust and Scarab Gods left to accomplish their individual missions, The Scorpion charged his serpentine brother. Rhonas quickly found the Scorpion God to be stronger than him and began to lose ground rapidly before having to unleash all of his magical abilities. After knocking the Scorpion God over, Rhonas thought himself victorious only to find himself grabbed and impaled by his fallen sibling. As Rhonas's physical form died, he transformed his staff into a massive serpent that then attacked the Scorpion in the hope of buying his siblings time.

This serpent proved little challenge for the Scorpion God and after it ripped the snake in half, the fallen god moved on to engage Oketra and Kefnet in combat. While the duo initially held the upper hand, the Scorpion God outlasted them with its incredible regenerative capabilities and managed to land a grazing blow on Kefnet with its stinger. Its god killing venom quickly debilitated the bird headed god and the Scorpion God dispatched him shortly thereafter. Without Kefnet to screen for her, Oketra quickly found herself overwhelmed by the insectoid god and fell as well.

The Scorpion God's final challenger would be Hazoret who quickly found herself no match for her deranged sibling as well. She unleashed all of the most damaging spells she had only to find that she had only managed to weaken its carapace. She too was struck by the Scorpion God's stinger, but acted quick enough to cut off her own arm before the venom was able to spread through the rest of her body. Hazoret likely would have died there had Samut and Djeru not arrived with a small army of Naktamun's survivors. Although many lost their lives, the reinforcements managed to impale the Scorpion God on an obelisk using Rhonas's staff, which still retained a large amount of the God of Strength's power. Before the Scorpion God managed to pull himself off the building and regenerate, Hazoret channeled the last of her remaining power into the massive wound and managed to finally completely disintegrate her fallen sibling.