The Scholar

The Scholar

John Rhodes

universe Sentinels of the Multiverse

The Scholar's powers and abilities

Alchemical Prowess - The Scholar is the most powerful magic user on the planet, wielding the Philosopher's Stone to accomplish just about anything he can set his mind to. Although he usually utilizes its abilities to transmute his body or objects into different elements (water, energy or metal for example), he can also use it to drain an opponents life force, rapidly heal himself or dispel the psychic constructs of a distressed girl. The limits to what he can do with these powers is unknown and he is often the one to deal with inter-dimensional threats to the Earth before any heroes even know there's a threat.

The Scholar's weaknesses

Laziness - Due to the extremely long life he gained from the Stone, the Scholar has developed a certain reluctance to immediately react to events and can end up wasting time relaxing instead of dealing with the threat at hand.

Fickle Stone - Although the Philosopher's Stone is incredibly powerful, it can also be inconsistent and deny the Scholar an ability he needs in a crisis. When this happens, John is forced to think quickly on his feet while trying to get the Stone to function once again.