The Runner

The Runner


Prime Marvel Universe

The Runner's History

Like all the Elders of the Universe, Gilpetperdon's origin is lost in the early history of the universe. It is known that he is one of the oldest living beings in the universe. Like other Elders, he is the survivor of one of the intelligent races that evolved in one of the first galaxies to form after the “Big Bang”, the cataclysmic event in which the universe was created. Although his race became extinct and even his native galaxy died as the ages passed, Gilpetperdon, like the other Elders, lived on, having become virtually immortal. As the relatively few survivors of the earliest period of the universe, the Elders regarded themselves as figuratively being brothers.The Runner once told Silver Surfer that he is five billion years old. (As the Big Bang occurred approximately 13.7 billion years ago, the Runner, if truthful, is relatively young for an Elder of the Universe)