@Ezio: These are all the people that need to have this power
Animal Man (Buddy Baker)
B'Wana Beast (Mike Maxwell)
Beast Boy (Garfield Logan)
Black Orchid (Alba Garcia)
Freedom Beast (Dominic Mndawe)
Maxine Baker
Sonya Tarinka (Prime Earth)
Tabu, an African woman whose power comes from the different masks she uses to hide her disfigured face.
Tefé Holland (Flesh Elemental)
Tristess, a shaman woman who befriends Animal Man.
Vixen (Mari McCabe)
Yolanda Montez, the embodiment of the Red on Earth 2
Users of the Man-Bat Serum.
Animal Man (Buddy Baker)
B'Wana Beast (Mike Maxwell)
Beast Boy (Garfield Logan)
Black Orchid (Alba Garcia)
Freedom Beast (Dominic Mndawe)
Maxine Baker
Sonya Tarinka (Prime Earth)
Tabu, an African woman whose power comes from the different masks she uses to hide her disfigured face.
Tefé Holland (Flesh Elemental)
Tristess, a shaman woman who befriends Animal Man.
Vixen (Mari McCabe)
Yolanda Montez, the embodiment of the Red on Earth 2
Users of the Man-Bat Serum.