
OC The Raven Of The Endless Eclipse (Dead Mythology)

universe Superhero Database Original Characters


**Name:** Aternavis, the Raven of the Endless Eclipse **Tier:** Likely 1-A **Powers and Abilities:** Reality Warping, Darkness Manipulation, Flight, Intangibility, Non-Corporeal, Resurrection, Time Manipulation, Cosmic Awareness, Existence Erasure, Power Nullification (Can thin the fabric of reality, weakening and nullifying the powers of lesser entities), Immortality (Types 1, 3, and 4), Acausality (Type 4), Fear Manipulation, Eldritch Magic, Dimensional Travel, Summoning (Can whisper old gods and mythical beings into existence) **Attack Potency:** Outerverse level (As a being born from the remains of forgotten gods, it can manipulate and tear the boundaries of conceptual realities, transcending conventional dimensions and the constructs of myths themselves) **Speed:** Immeasu... read more

  • Power Stats

Official Superhero Database stats. | Class: 1,258,102,583,366


Creator yes
UniverseSHDB OC - Superhero Database Original Characters
Character Tier 10+ (Outerversal)
Full name
Alter Egos No alter egos found.
Aliases The Twilight Chronicler, The Silhouette of Sagas, Keeper of the Fractured Fables, The Last Shadow of Lore, The Eternal Equinox, Harbinger of the Hushed Pantheon, The Mythwraith, The Oblivion Raven, Scribe of the Celestial Dusk, The Void's Quill
Place of birth Aternavis emerged from the Cenotaph of Creation, a nebulous void where the remains of dead gods and expired universes coalesce.
First appearance
Alignment Neutral


Gender Male
Species // Type Animal // Cosmic
Height -
Weight -
Eye color Red
Hair color Black
Skin color Black


Played by
Occupation Cosmic Archivist
Base resides in the Obsidian Atrium, a realm that exists between the folds of reality and myth, an ever-expanding archive that houses the essence of forgotten deities and extinct stories.
Relatives No known relatives; Aternavis is a singular entity borne of collective mythic demise.
Teams No teams added.
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