The Punching Bag

The Punching Bag

Chad Thurman

Superhero Database Original Characters

The Punching Bag's History

The punching bag, A.K.A Chad Thurman, was born in Suburb City with only his mom Susan Thurman (he never knew his father). Growing up he was always picked on and bullied by the people at his school for his weight and looks. His mom always encouraged him to ignore them and to always be happy with who he is. Sadly, she passed away around the time he was in high school. Under a state of depression and anger, he beat the living shit out of his school bully, Issac B. Angello, after he was taunting him about his moms passing. However, due to the bully being connected to a wealthy organization, he was forced to be suspended from school and lived only on the left-over inheritance given by his family. He continuously works out in an effort to improve himself so that no one will ever treat him (and others like him) like dirt again.

Struggling on money when he got older, he got a job as a janitor for a call center called the Legacy Outreach Center or, “lock”, where he works with his fellow co-worker and handyman Rudie. After getting home from work, he hears a fight happening in an ally-way. It was a mugging of a businessman from the Coven gang. At first, he wondered why no one was helping the man, but realized that they didn’t want to become the next target for the gang and even if they told the police they won’t due anything due to the corruption of the city. He was about to ignore it himself, not wanting to be the next target, but after being reminded of his past struggles, he rushes into the ally-way with a paper bag covering his face. After beating the thugs, he realized that if can’t provide much, he is willing to take the hits from the evils of the world and keep fighting back until the job is done. Once he’s done with his job, he goes out on the street with a bag over his head and a will to fight. To this day he still wears the bag on his head, because he doesn’t believe he has image to be a hero, but is willing to take the hits that life will throw and to do what he knows best, “to clean this city of its filth”.