The Operative

The Operative

Sophia DeLeon

universe Sentinels of the Multiverse

The Operative's History

Sophia Anna Isabel DeLeon’s parents, immigrants from the Philippines, died only a year after she was born. With no other family, Sophia Anna was left to fend for herself in a Rook City orphanage. Little Sophie grew up in the hard streets of Rook City, coming to understand at an early age that being strong was all that mattered. The older orphans took what they wanted from her - fear was power, and power got you everywhere.

Kids in the orphanage were invited to take classes for free at a local martial arts school; Sophie started when she was 7. By the time she was 9, the school closed when some of the older martial arts students were killed in gang warfare, but Sophie never stopped training on her own. The older kids learned that messing with Little Sophie just ended with her taking what she wanted from them. By the time she was fifteen, she had organized a group of the biggest, toughest street kids and trained them as pickpockets and street thugs. She had a head for numbers, and her crew began racketeering in the busier parts of the city. By 15 she led her own crew. Then, she got noticed.

In working her way through rival gangs, taking out their leaders personally to add their crew to her own, she found that most of them had a common contact. Seeking out that contact led her on a chase higher and higher through the organized criminal activities of Rook City. Until she met The Chairman. He was waiting for her, and knew more about Sophia Anna than she could even remember. He told her everything that had happened up to that point, and then proceeded to explain how things were going to go from them on.

He admired her strength, her leadership qualities, her intelligence, but most of all, her ruthlessness. He needed someone like her to work at his side; someone to be his hand on the streets. In exchange, he offered the power of working at the top, but also offered to halt her aging process, keeping her at her prime indefinitely. She would forever be in her mid-twenties, strong, sharp, fast, and unfading.

Now, Sophia works as the right hand of The Chairman. She is so feared in the underground world that just the mention of The Operative is enough to close deals and end resistance. She doesn’t work “in the field” as much as she used to, but her training with The Chairman has only made her stronger, and their hold on the city grows tighter by the day. This, however, was not to last.

A mortal injury left the Operative on her deathbed, and her nigh-lifeless body was sent from Rook City to the temple of the mystic know as Zhu Long. There, he brought Sophia back from the brink of death, but at the cost of her servitude. She would work her way back to the her rightful place at the side of the Chairman, but first, she had to repay her life debt.

As an agent of Zhu Long, she fights for his unknowable causes. She still has some access to her former contacts as a part of the Organization, but she is largely on her own. Using her skills and some extra tricks and gear from the ninjas from Zhu Long's temple, she carries out the missions she is assigned by her mystical master.