
The One Below All

The One Below All

universe Prime Marvel Universe


A malevolent entity that resides in the Below-Place - the deepest layer of Hell, the One Below All is an aspect of the One Above All that serves as the One Above All's dark counterpart. The One Below All is the source of the mutagenic third form of gamma energy, and is thereby capable of using gamma mutates as avatars to manifest. As the One Below All is the other face or dark side of the One Above All, the One Below All has existed before any version of the multiverse or even existence itself, and is purportedly the source of all other evil entities. As the dark alter-ego of The One Above All, The One Below All is a creature without a mind of its own, possessing only terrible desires, destroying all so that the One Above All can begin the cycle of creation anew. read more

Official Superhero Database stats. | Class: 4,489,839,467,443


Creator Marvel Comics
UniverseEarth-616 - Prime Marvel Universe
Character Tier INF (Boundless)
Full name
Alter Egos No alter egos found.
Aliases Cosmic Satan, Satan, The Devil, The One Below
Place of birth
First appearance Immortal Hulk #4 (August, 2018)
Alignment Bad


Gender -
Species // Type Cosmic Entity
Height -
Weight -
Eye color -
Hair color -


Played by
Occupation Dark reflection of Creation / Embodiment of Destruction
Base Deepest layers of Hell
Teams No teams added.
Hub -




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