The Minotaur Slayer

The Minotaur Slayer

Ray Speltzer

Dexter Tv Series

The Minotaur Slayer's History

Ray speltzer had a mom who would often have sex with many men and he would hear this through the thin walls of their home, this made him despise his mom seeing her as nothing but a whore, he would later try to invite women to his home and kill them as he saw them like his mom (someone who is easy to get laid) for his killing ritual he would shave his head and wear a bull helmet, turning his home into a maze and beating the women to death with his fistsn he would later steal the womens valuables and put them in a graveyard. Its possible he had a obsession with the minotaur from greeek myhtology since he is obsessed with mazes and dresses up as a bull during his kill.