The Last Sun

The Last Sun


DC Last 52 Multiverse

The Last Sun's powers and abilities

No info yet.

The Last Sun's weaknesses

1. Kryptonian Physiology: Under the effects of a "yellow" sun, Superman possesses the same potential weaknesses as an average Kryptonian. These include:

Vulnerability to Kryptonite.

,Vulnerability to Magic.

2. Solar Energy Dependency: Kryptonian abilities will eventually weaken without replenishing their energy reserves with normal (yellow) sun radiation. When exposed to the same red solar radiation as Krypton's red sun Rao, it causes Kryptonians to lose their powers within a large amount of exposure until exposure to yellow sunlight reverses this effect. When exposed to orange solar radiation from a different galaxy, Superman's strength and abilities will drastically diminished, eventually weakening him. The radiation also affects his intellectual capacity and reduces his ability to think.[3]