The Great Horned Rat

The Great Horned Rat

Rat God

universe Warhammer: Age of Sigmar

The Great Horned Rat's History

The Horned Rat, also known as the "Lord of the World Below", the "Great Horned One," and the "Under-Father," as well as thirteen other secret names known only to the mage-priests known as the Grey Seers[3a], is the supreme god of the Skaven, and he brooks no other gods before him among the ratmen.

Though not one of the major Chaos Gods, the Horned Rat is almost certainly a distant relative of those foul, nebulous beings, a minor deity of Chaos. In this case the Horned Rat is an embodiment of decay, ruin, pestilence, strife, hunger, ambition and all the other ignoble characteristics that represent the sum total of all the Skaven race is and all the ratmen hope to be.

The greatest temple of the Horned Rat in the mortal world is the Shattered Tower, which lies in the subterranean warrens of Skavenblight. Here can be found the Black Pillar of Commandments, inscribed with the 169 commandments of the Horned Rat to his children.

Some Old World scholars believe that the minor Chaos God of ruin and destruction named Kweethul may simply be another name for the Horned Rat.