The Godhead

The Godhead

The Godhead

universe The Elder Scrolls Verse

The Godhead's History

The Godhead is a central concept in the cosmology of the Elder Scrolls universe, representing the ultimate Supreme Being responsible for the creation of existence. The Godhead exists beyond the confines of the Aurbis, which encompasses all reality, including Nirn and Oblivion. It is often described as being in a state of slumber, dreaming up the Aurbis and everything within it. According to Michael Kirkbride's setting, there is a setting that Aurbis of the Elder Scrolls series and everything including Anu and Padomay that make up it are the dreams of a transcendent being . The existence that dreams of all this is called Godhead. It is said that this being is in an endless slumber and has unconsciously created everything including Aurbis. There are many speculations about the identity of this Godhead, but nothing is certain. First of all, in the book where Sotha Sil 's disciple, who appears in The Elder Scrolls Online, writes down his teacher's teachings, Anu is implied to be a being no different from this Godhead.

Sotha Sil denies the existing dualistic worldview of Anu and Padomay and argues that Anu is the one god, and that Padomay is a different side of Anu that arose when Anu's mind split while testing his power. am. However, we cannot rule out the possibility that Sotha Sil was not aware of the existence of Godhead. The only time Godhead is directly mentioned in the work is in Episode 5, Skyrim's Black Book, but the detailed setting is omitted and the content is cut off, so it is unclear whether it matches the author's setting outside of the game.