The Flash

The Flash

Jay Garrick

universe Post-Crisis

The Flash's powers and abilities

Accelerated Healing

Speed Force conduits are not invulnerable nor durable enough to sustain damage however if they are harmed they will heal at high speeds. Any normal wear and tear damage to their bodies are almost instantly healed.

Decelerated Aging

Speed Force conduits have a slowed aging process. This power can be imparted on their most intimate loved ones by extended contact rather than distribution.

Energy Construct Creation

Speed Force conduits can use the matter generated by their speed to create solid objects such as walls or bridges. This power requires constant concentration and reapplication of the construct for it to remain stable. Flash's after images are also construct creations.


Speed Force conduits can rotate their arms and spin their bodies like tops to achieve something of a kind of helicopter flight. However, with practice conduits can even achieve controllable flight if launched at high speeds. Despite their flight abilities they are always faster on their feet.

Increased Perceptions

Speed Force conduits traveling at the speed of sound may miss important events as they run by. The Speed Force grants them enhanced senses that allow them to see, hear, smell, touch and/or taste at an increased speed and understand it as it is processed.

Infinite Mass Punch

Speed Force conduits have an increased level of strength added to their bodies which they can impart in different ways. Certain speedsters can strength each and every move they make however this requires attention and stress for each movement and therefore is almost never used. In most cases conduits can focus the Speed Force's extra-dimensional energies into one massive punch; when used in practiced this punch pushed a metahuman from one continent to another.


Speed Force conduits can vibrate their molecules so quickly that they can achieve intangibility for short bursts allowing them to phase through objects.


Speed Force conduits travel at incredible speeds which cause their bodies to work overtime. In situations where their bodies may be too fast for them to breathe they may impart on the Speed Force for sustenance. However, this almost always results in the conduits having an increased metabolism at all times requiring them to constantly refill their energy supplies.

Sharing the Force

Speed Force conduits can allow their friends or family members to run along side them at their equaled speeds. Certain conduits who may only have minor access to the Force may achieve full levels of the Force due to the main conduit's association with it.

Speed Force Aura

People who are propelled by the conduits during high speed situations can survive the harsh conditions associated with mach speeds. When the conduit must rescue an individual from a burning building these individuals will be protected while within the aura.

Speed Force Conduit

People who, for whatever reason, are connected to the Speed Force are sometimes called Speed Force Conduits. This means that they are connected to the Speed Force and are tethered to it. Some characters may control their Speed Force imparted powers in different ways such as only Superhuman Strength or even directed through Lighting but no matter their adaptions they are still connected to the Force.

Steal Speed

Speed Force conduits can steal the accelerated motion or momentum from objects or people to reduce their speed or even virtually stop them. Conduits may also steal the speed from other Speedsters or other fast moving people.

Supercharged Brain Activity

Sometimes neglected by Speedsters who only operate at superhuman speeds and never slow down enough to understand their full potential; Speedsters can access superhuman levels in their brains further than processing information. They can test theories, understand difficult equations and run trial and error in their brains at superhuman speeds. Different conduits access this activity in different ways.

Superhuman Endurance

Speed Force conduits have to access the Speed Force for a number of different tasks. Most Speedsters use their superhuman speed and react at superhuman speeds; therefore, they must run for extended periods or operate for a large amount of time. Their bodies can handle the stresses of superhuman racing without noticeable distress.

Superhuman Speed

Speed Force conduits have one main ability above all else. Conduits are connected to the barrier and accumulation of all Speed known in their universe. These characters immediately understand how to run at superhuman speeds and their bodies instinctively understand how to react at high-speed situations. Older speedsters have a reduced but maxed speed of 770mph which is just below sonic booms allowing them to react to situations without causing civilians undo stress. Speedsters in their prime can travel at much faster speeds such as the max level of recorded aided speed on Earth and even reach the speed of light with enough willpower. It is possible for conduits to travel much faster than the speed of light however such levels require an incredible amount of stress. Speedsters unaccustomed to their max level of speeds may detach themselves from the Speed Force or even become part of the Speed Force by accident.

Vortex Creations

Speed Force conduits that plant themselves on the ground and rotate their extremities can cause an incredible amount of wind to burst through their focused funnel. Most Speedsters use this ability automatically when they run reducing the air currents around their body to low enough levels to no longer inhibit their speed. Creatively, Speedsters can create tornadoes and gusts with their arms.



Intelligence160 IQ
Strength1,000 kg • 2,205 lb

Super Powers

Accelerated HealingAcrobaticsAdaptationAfterimage CreationAgilityBullet TimeDanger SenseDimensional TravelDurabilityEnduranceEnergy ManipulationEnergy ResistanceEnhanced ConditionEnhanced TouchExtrasensory PerceptionIndomitable WillIntangibilityIntelligenceInterstellar TravelNon-Physical InteractionPhasingPortal CreationReflexesSpatial AwarenessSpeed ForceStaminaStatistics AmplificationSuper SpeedSuper StrengthTime TravelVibration ManipulationAttack ReflectionAuraCold ResistanceCorruption ResistanceDensity ControlDexterityDurability NegationElectrical TransportElectricity AbsorptionElectricity ResistanceElectrokinesisEmotional Power UpEmpathyEnergy AbsorptionEnergy ArmorEnergy BlastsEnhanced HearingEnhanced MemoryEnhanced SightEnhanced ThieveryFire ResistanceFlightForce FieldsHeat GenerationHeat ResistanceIlluminationIllusion ResistanceInvulnerabilityJumpLongevityMarksmanshipMaster Martial ArtistMaster TacticianMind Control ResistancePossession ResistancePower AbsorptionPower NullifierPressure PointsRadiation ImmunityReactive Power LevelSelf-SustenanceStealthSupernatural ConditionSurface ScalingTeleportationTime ManipulationTime Manipulation ResistanceToxin and Disease ResistanceTransmutation ImmunityVision - NightVortex CreationWeapons MasterWind ControlCausality ResistanceChi ManipulationCosmic AwarenessDamage BoostDimensional AwarenessElemental TransformationExistence Erasure ResistanceInvisibilityMolecular ManipulationPower AugmentationPower BestowalPower SenseProjectionReality Warping ResistanceRegenerationSealingShockwaves GenerationSwordsmanship