The Fittest

The Fittest

Fredrick Slade

universe Prime Marvel Universe

The Fittest's powers and abilities

Fredrick is a descendant of Apocalypse and as such possess the powers normally ascribed to them.

  • Self-Molecular Manipulation: Frederick possessed the mutant power of molecular rearrangement, a power common among the upper-level members of Clan Akkaba. As a result he could transform his body at will. He also possessed a resilience to injury.

  • Teleportation: An additional and unique power not shared by his kinsmen or family members. Fredrick can teleport himself and others at will. Additionally he can teleport large masses, including sizeable groups of people, as well as teleport 'parts' of objects. He can also open portals that displace projectiles and even enemies that threaten him. A trait shared by himself and his descendant Blink is that his teleportation’s are always accompanied by a "blink!" sound.



Intelligence110 IQ
Strength150 kg • 331 lb
Speed12 m/s

Super Powers

TeleportationMolecular Manipulation