The Fallen Angel Of Light (The First!)

OC The Fallen Angel Of Light (The First!)

Chief Devil

universe Superhero Database Original Characters

The Fallen Angel Of Light's History

Ok, seems like I need to explain through history why this character "The Fallen Angel Of Light" is how he is. First off, this character is out of a book like all other characters on this website, be it comic books, graphic novels, historical mythology books but a book nonetheless. A fiction character like any other fictional characters like the one who wears a blue suit, red cape and flies through the sky and can lift mountains and/or another one who wears a cape, wields a hammer and who has the physical strength to shatter whole planets and calls himself a god. Like all fictional characters on here, my character has a origin, lore, many arcs and wield such powers that he is Nigh-Omnipotent. To explain my character, I have to bring in a second character, let's call him "The All Mighty" but who goes by many other names and who is the only Omnipotent being in all of existence, has told in the book. Now this history has it's own depictions of events that occurred billions of years ago when The All Mighty created everything in existence and one of his creation was The Fallen Angel Of Light who was perfect, beautiful, obedient beyond a fault, loyal, faithful and the strongest being among all his other brothers, and most beloved above all others. Through billions of years while The All Mighty created all planes of celestial existence in what we call "Omniverse", which includes all celestial hosts and other lifeforms on all other worlds in all of existence, including earth. The Fallen Angel Of Light became weary of The All Mighty and of being a servant who had to obey The All Mighty in all things.

So, eventually with careful planning, believing he was powerful enough and with all of his many brothers willing to follow his lead, The Fallen Angel Of Light tried to usurp the throne of The All Mighty in order to replace him and become The All Mighty himself. Alas, The Fallen Angel Of Light was severely beaten and shown what true Omnipotence power meant/was. Since The All Mighty is a benevolent being of love and forgiveness, he didn't erase The Fallen Angel Of Light and his followers from existence, instead he cast them out of heaven, sending The Fallen Angel Of Light and his followers which were a third of his Angels, to a plane of existence that is called hell or underworld (there's many names for it). Once there, The Fallen Angel Of Light and his followers were transformed from being beautiful to grotesque and to demon physiology. Yet they retain all their given powers but chose to use it for pure evil and follow their leader The Fallen Angel Of Light who is also known as "Chief Devil" to wage war (still ongoing) against The All Mighty and his remaining Angels for billions of years even to this day on a celestial plane of existence that no other lifeforms can reach as it is in the celestial heavens.

The book from which my character comes from, says that there's only one "Omnipotent" being and that would be The All Mighty and the second most powerful being in all of existence is The Fallen Angel Of Light who's Omipresent, Omnicient but only Nigh-Omnipotent (these are important facts for later). Through the millions/billions years of the heavenly war still raging, The Fallen Angel Of Light had reach and influence over all other lifeforms everywhere in all of existence and influenced mankind and other humanoid lifeform from other worlds to commit the most evil atrocities possible, which brought forth wars, famine, pestilence, plagues, death and destruction, suffering and gained souls through man's evil deeds. The more souls The Fallen Angel Of Light gained, the more powerful he grew, even at times trying to steal souls from The All Mighty through treachery and lies. Though The All Mighty could of ended all the evil that The Fallen Angel Of Light brought forth and erased The Fallen Angel Of Light and his followers, demons with but a blink of his eye. In his Omnipotent wisdom, The All Mighty knew that The Fallen Angel Of Light and all his evil was a necessity for a balance of power with good vs evil but most importantly, because the All Mighty had given mankind the most powerful power he could give, which was "free will" and without The Fallen Angel Of Light evil, mankind would never face the choices to be either good or evil. So, on one hand you had The Fallen Angel Of Light, his Generals and hordes of demons to bring evil to all of existence and The All Mighty countered by giving mankind and all other humanoid lifeforms created by him, the power of free will, sent prophets to help guide mankind and even sent his own flesh and blood, only to see him suffer but he fulfilled his role to help mold the future and expose the The Fallen Angel Of Light and his powers of pure evil because as the saying goes "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled, was to make mankind believe he didn't exist".

Now to explain my character's power ratings and why I chose to make him so powerful by checking all the boxes in the Powers and Abilities section. My character comes from a book who says that there's two supreme beings and one of them is my character The Fallen Angel Of Light who is second only to The All Mighty who's the only Omnipotent being in all of existence and that says it all. My character The Fallen Angel Of Light being the second most powerful being in existence is all but "Omnipotent", therefore I made him only "Nigh-Omnipotent" which we all know means Near Ominpotence but how far away his near? Is it 10000 billion trillion more souls? Or just around the corner? Can he become Omnipotent (I don't think so). No one knows so therefore it doesn't matter how powerful I made my character, I made him truly Nigh-Omnipotent. Too many people create or upgrade characters on here by just clicking the "Omnipotence" box and boom, voila, your character is Omnipotent and infinite. If you check that "Omnipotence" check box, you can't check any other boxes because he has all those powers by being "Omnipotent". But from the book my character comes from, in the evil department, my character reigns supreme over all other evil beings no matter what their names are and how powerful they've become under their leader The Fallen Angel Of Light. So. now we come down to the "Nigh-Omnipotence" check box. I see so many characters on here with the same power ratings because their creators just clicked "Nigh-Omnipotence" and that's enough, but is there different levels if "Nigh-Omnipotence"? I think there is, as my character The Fallen Angel Of Light clearly proves it. Some will say yeah but you checked the "Odin Force" box, that's for Asgardian comic book mythology and I would agree but I checked it because my character being Nigh-Omnipotent has the power equivalent of the "Odin Force" as he also has pretty much the power equivalence of all specific powers on that Powers & Abilities check list but still not enough to make him Omnipotent because only The All Mighty" is Omnipotent period.

To sum it up, from the book my character comes from, he's the "Chief Devil" and therefore reigns over all other evil characters. One of the names to which my character is known for is "Belzebuth" which translate to "Chief Devil". And it wouldn't matter if his power ratings were double of what they are, he would still be just "Nigh-Omnipotent" and always second to The All Mighty and never be "Omnipotent". So, from the book my character comes from, I couldn't/can't make him "Omnipotent" but I can make him the most "Nigh-Omnipotent" he can be. His "Nigh-Omnipotence" power ratings is just limited to the check boxes available. All this is from the book my character comes from and therefore is what it is,, be it you agree with it or not, those are the facts of the book The Fallen Angel Of Light comes from. Theoretically The Fallen Angel Of Light being the "Chief Devil" in all of creation, he has reign over all other pure evil Cosmic Devilish Cosmic Entities across all planes of existence, even without those characters even knowing that The Fallen Angel Of Light pulls their strings. Heck those same evil characters might have even been given their powers by The Fallen Angel Of Light so they would become his agents without knowing and to help him attain his ultimate goals which are to acquire and steal as many souls as possible and one day to try to challenge The All Mighty a second time since the Celestial war over heaven still rages on. Also, maybe all of the evil power artifacts created and made available in all of the worlds in existence, were created by The Fallen Angel Of Light so that their users could become more powerful and able to battle/defeat all good heroes/characters.

At the end of the day, the buck stops with The All Mighty but the change goes to The Fallen One!