The Doctor's History
"The Doctor" (also known as just "Doctor" or "Doc") was USS Voyager's Emergency Medical Holographic program (or "EMH") and chief medical officer during the ship's seven-year journey through the Delta Quadrant. The EMH Mark I, of which The Doctor's life began as an iteration, was a computer program with a holographic interface in the form of a Human male Doctor. Although his program was originally designed to function in emergency situations only, Voyager's sudden relocation to the Delta Quadrant, combined with the lack of an organic physician, necessitated that The Doctor's program be run on a full-time basis, effectively becoming Voyager's chief medical officer. Over the years The Doctor expanded his program a great deal; he acquired many interests and hobbies, developed close personal friendships with many crew members, and even fell in love. He developed into a brilliant yet compassionate individual who proved his worth and loyalty to all crew members throughout the years, earning their respect of him as an individual with the same civil and social rights as everyone else on board.
The EMH Mark I was created on Jupiter Station by Dr. Lewis Zimmerman, who based the hologram's physical appearance on his own. Lieutenant Reginald Barclay also worked on the project, testing the EMH's interpersonal skills. The EMH Mark I, upon which The Doctor's program was based, was listed as "Emergency Medical Holographic Program AK-1 Diagnostic and Surgical Subroutine Omega 323" in Voyager's memory. It was developed by a team of engineers to be an emergency supplement to the medical team on starships. Only meant to run for a maximum of 1,500 hours, the program included little personality and interpersonal skills. However, it was capable of treating any known injury or disease, as it was programmed with the medical knowledge of every member world in the Federation and that of over five million surgical procedures. His program even became capable of learning and adapting, in order to create new medical treatments.
The Doctor was first, albeit very briefly, activated during a ship tour with Vice Admiral Patterson by Cpt. Janeway shortly before Voyager's launch on stardate 48038.5 in early 2371. On stardate 48308.2, The Doctor was activated by Ensign Harry Kim to help treat crew members injured in the ship's violent transit to the Delta Quadrant, during which the chief medical officer and other assigned medical staff had been killed. The Doctor quickly established that the Voyager crew would be stuck with him for a while and that he would be the sole provider of medical care aboard the ship.
The Doctor's first few weeks as a full-time medic on Voyager were not easy for him. He had no control over his activation subroutines, so anyone could activate or deactivate his program solely at their choice. Most of the crew considered him merely a computer program or a tool, and treated him accordingly. He, in turn, was curt and rude to them, lacking empathy and bedside manner, and he was unhappy that he was being used to perform menial medical tasks. He felt that his perfection and comparative medical genius were not appreciated. When developing or performing exceptional medical procedures, he often cynically remarked that anywhere else performing such kind of a procedure would have won him a prestigious award. He was also upset at being the last one to be made aware of events that were not directly within his purview, such as the Maquis crew joining Voyager and both Neelix and Kes joining the crew.
One of The Doctor's first major clinical achievements on board Voyager was creating holographic lungs for Neelix. Neelix had lost his lungs to Vidiians during an organ-harvesting raid. The Doctor devised a plan to use holographic lungs to keep Neelix alive. The Doctor's idea succeeded; however, Neelix was confined to an isotropic restraint and not allowed to move, as the holographic lungs could not move. The Doctor was later able to transplant one of Kes' lungs into Neelix, with help from the Vidiians.
It was not until Kes volunteered to work with The Doctor as an assistant – and later medical student – that relations between The Doctor and most of the other crew members began to improve. It was Kes who first discovered the crew's disrespectful behavior toward The Doctor; she noticed that, just as with an item of equipment, they never addressed him directly, they barely listened to him, and often exited his presence without deactivating his program. Kes brought the matter to Captain Janeway's attention, asking that The Doctor be treated with greater respect and granted some interpersonal autonomy. Janeway took Kes' advice to heart – somewhat reluctantly, as she herself was aware of The Doctor's questionable bedside manner – but nonetheless granted him partial control over his activation and program. He was subsequently left hurt when it was revealed that the crew were exploring a means of transporting back to the Alpha Quadrant through a small wormhole, as he was the last one to know about this development and would be left on the ship as it was impossible to download his program at this time (although the matter became academic when it was revealed that the wormhole extended into the past).
The Doctor was sent on his first away mission by Janeway, tasked with rescuing Kim, Tuvok, and Chakotay from a Beowulf holoprogram that had been invaded by a mysterious alien. Janeway's reason for deploying The Doctor on this mission was that, as a hologram, he was the only one who could not be snatched from the holodeck. The Doctor did, however, lose an arm on his first encounter with the being, which had manifested itself as the monster Grendel. Samples of photonic energy had been accidentally beamed aboard Voyager and this energy was part of the alien inhabiting the holodeck. Once returned to the alien, the crew was released.
When the mental energy of Chakotay and the Komar was possessing members of Voyager's crew, The Doctor was the only crew member who could not be controlled. As no one but he could be trusted, given that the Komar could inhabit anyone at any time, Janeway transferred her command codes to The Doctor so that he could countermand orders he believed were initiated due to the alien's influence. However, his program's initialization routine was later deactivated until the incident with the Komar ended. Once reactivated, the Doctor was able to reintegrate Chakotay's displaced neural energy with his body, in a procedure that required three neural transceivers, two cortical stimulators, and fifty gigaquads of computer memory, and would take about ten hours to explain to others.
An accident aboard Voyager once caused The Doctor to confuse illusion with reality. A hallucination of Lieutenant Reginald Barclay told The Doctor that he was real, that he was actually Lewis Zimmerman and married to a very Human Kes. The illusory Barclay persuaded The Doctor that he was held within a hologram of Voyager, with radiation after an accident having killed him. The Doctor became convinced that the only way to escape was to fire a phaser into Voyager's warp core, an act that seemingly would result in the simulation's destruction. At the last possible second, Chakotay convinced The Doctor that he was about to destroy his own matrix. The problem was solved, although The Doctor was left intrigued as to why he had hallucinated about the nature of his existence rather than simply having had his program's defenses activated.
The same year, The Doctor diagnosed that Kes' sexual maturation, the elogium, had been prematurely activated by a swarm of space-dwelling aliens. During this period he acted in the role of Kes' father by performing the necessary rituals with her, such as the rolissisin, a ritual in which the feet are massaged until the tongue swells. Kes' elogium ended when Voyager cleared the aliens' territory. The Doctor hypothesized that the elogium had been prematurely triggered by the aliens and that Kes would still be able to conceive at her natural age of elogium.
In 2372, The Doctor still didn't consider himself a true member of the Voyager crew. He felt he was not being kept sufficiently informed about ship business and missions. As a result, he was forced to repeatedly open communications channels all over the ship in order to find out what was going on, an activity Captain Janeway asked him to discontinue.
In response to criticism that he was unsympathetic to his patients, he programmed himself with the Levodian flu for twenty-nine hours to simulate the effects and to prove that a little illness should not be grounds for a constantly whiny and cranky attitude, which he accused the Voyager crew of every time they entered sickbay. Thirty hours later the simulated flu still had not cleared him, and The Doctor became fearful, feeling helpless and not in control. Kes later admitted that she had extended the simulation unbeknownst to him to teach him a real-life lesson, as it would hardly have been a real illness if he had known the outcome.
Despite initial irritations and frictions, The Doctor also experienced new things in the personal growth and romance department. When a Vidiian scientist named Danara Pel was beamed aboard Voyager to be treated, The Doctor transmitted her synaptic pathways into a hologram of her body without the disease and put her real body in stasis until he could find a cure for her breakdown. He grafted a piece of B'Elanna Torres' brain tissue onto Pel's brain, as Klingon DNA had been found to be resistant to the phage. Over time he became attracted to her, but as he was inexperienced in the matters of the heart, he did not know how to handle his new-found emotions and confess his feelings to Denara. After receiving some advice from crew members such as Kes and Tom Paris, he overcame his initial awkwardness and took Denara on a date on the holodeck. When a cure for her condition was found and The Doctor was finally able to take Denara out of stasis, she refused, stating that she did not want to go back to that deformed body. The Doctor assured her that he loved her no matter what she looked like and that he would not want her to give up her life. The Doctor and Denara spent two weeks with one another before she met with her people and had to leave Voyager.
Voyager entered a plasma cloud which caused the ship and its crew to be duplicated. The Doctor was on one of the ships and delivered Ensign Samantha Wildman's baby, who died shortly after birth. After the other ship was invaded by Vidiians, The Doctor on that ship saved that Ensign Wildman's baby, keeping it hidden from the Vidiians until that Kim and the baby could board the "first" Voyager, which they did just before their ship self-destructed, killing the Vidiians and saving the "first" Voyager.
When a transporter accident combined Tuvok and Neelix into a single entity named Tuvix, The Doctor found a way to separate and restore them. However, he refused to perform the procedure as he would have to kill Tuvix, a sentient being in his own right who had refused to consent to the separation. Captain Janeway eventually performed the procedure in his stead.
When Voyager discovered a group of alien survivors trapped in a neural network by a deranged clown-like manifestation of their own fears, The Doctor was selected as the crew's 'negotiator' as he was the only person who could access the network without being trapped in it. Although he initially failed to reason with the Clown, he was eventually able to trick the Clown into releasing his current "hostages" by claiming that Janeway would take their place, the crew in reality providing a fake Janeway.
The Doctor played an essential part in the defeat of the Kazon sect led by Seska and Culluh. After the crew was captured and marooned on a desolate planet, The Doctor – who escaped deletion by claiming that as a hologram he was neutral and thus did not care whether Kazon or Starfleet were in charge of Voyager – with the help of Lon Suder sabotaged the backup phaser couplings. This allowed Tom Paris and his Talaxian allies to retake the ship and save the crew.
In 2373, The Doctor reached the limit of his memory capacity and started suffering massive memory loss. When an alien attack injured Paris, The Doctor was unable to treat him because his program was degrading and he was beginning to lose all of his medical knowledge. When it became evident that his program would disintegrate completely, another hologram, the Diagnostic Program Alpha-11, was used to find the source of the problem. It was discovered that the problem was in The Doctor's core programing, which had become severely fragmented because of constant use of the EMH over the course of the past two years. The maximum operation for the EMH was intended for around 1,500 hours (roughly two months). To further complicate matters, The Doctor's expansion of his original programming to include personality subroutines and interests in things such as opera, interpersonal relationships with the crew and engineering skills had filled all of his available memory buffers, leaving little room for his program to operate in its intended function.
The captain was playing with the idea of reinitializing The Doctor's program, but that would have meant loss of all his memories and everything he had experienced over the past two years. Kes objected to just resetting him and asked the captain to try and find another solution. When no other options were found, Kes suggested overlaying the diagnostic program's programming matrix onto The Doctor's. This effectively deleted the Diagnostic program and integrated its core portions as a graft onto The Doctor's program. This procedure restored The Doctor but led to massive memory loss, including his recollection of the crews' identities and most events of the previous two years. Although some memories seemed to have survived, it was unclear if The Doctor would struggle to regain his hard-won personal skills. But some hope remained when Kes, after the reinitialization, observed The Doctor singing a song to himself; a song that was learned prior to the transfer of the Diagnostic program matrix onto his own.
Later that year, he assisted in stopping Henry Starling's plan to steal a timeship which had accidentally traveled into the past, simultaneously acquiring a mobile emitter that permitted him movement beyond the limits of Voyager's sickbay and holodeck after Starling "stole" him from Voyager to question him about their presence in this timeline, transferring him into the mobile emitter to make it easier to threaten his existence. Having escaped Starling, the Doctor rescued Chakotay and Torres from some survivalists, returned to Voyager and enjoyed his new-found freedom from sickbay, the emitter proving simple for the Doctor to use while also allowing him to be returned to sickbay. The Doctor was able to create a device to remove Ilari warlord Tieran's consciousness from Kes. He also helped Janeway rid Voyager of an attacking macrovirus when she returned from an away mission and the rest of the crew had been infected.
In an attempt to improve himself further, The Doctor created EMH program 4C, adding personality subroutines to his holomatrix copied from many historical figures, including Lord Byron, Mahatma Gandhi, Socrates, Marie Curie, and T'Pau. Unfortunately, The Doctor didn't realize that even great historical figures had less desirable attributes and that all those, combined within his personality, would cause his program to destabilize. As a result, The Doctor began to develop a second, darker personality which exhibited callousness, anger and deceit. He attacked B'Elanna Torres, who was trying to fix his program, and rendered her immobile so she could not tell on him. He also attacked Zahir, an alien whom Kes had befriended, and kidnapped her, trying to arrange passage to another planet. Protective of and attracted to Kes, The Doctor attempted to kill Zahir, claiming that Kes' innocence required that he be there to protect her. After the failed escape attempt with Kes in tow, The Doctor was beamed back aboard Voyager, having finally lost the added subroutines and unable to remember his actions ever since the darkening in his personality had taken over.
Despite such incidents, The Doctor nonetheless continued to expand his programming. In order to experience human family values, he once created a holodeck family, assuming the name of "Kenneth." Initially the program was idyllic, with a devoted, loyal wife who loved chores and serving her husband and obedient children who insisted doing their homework and fought over who would say goodbye to "Daddy" first when he left for work. The Doctor was pleased, but when he invited Kes and Torres over for dinner, Torres was more than annoyed with the "lollipops" – as she called them – The Doctor had created, stating that what he had created was in no way what a family life dynamic was like. With The Doctor's permission, Torres reprogrammed it to be more realistic. In the new simulation, his wife wasn't a devoted housewife looking forward to his bringing colleagues home for dinner and his children were rebellious, undisciplined and disobedient. The Doctor was mortified at the changes, as they were not at all what he had in mind when imagining his family. He even contemplated deactivating it permanently after his 'daughter' was fatally wounded in an accident and he could not take the pain that came with losing her. However, Tom Paris helped The Doctor learn to cope with the negatives as well as the positives in having a family, and The Doctor returned to the program to mourn the loss of his daughter with his wife and son.
The Doctor proved instrumental in assisting the crew's escape after an alien race knows as the Nyrians commandeered Voyager and relocated the ship's entire crew into an artificial environment suitable for them. Chakotay, as the last crew member on board, transferred The Doctor's program into the mobile emitter before he could be deleted. Torres subsequently modified The Doctor's optical sensors, allowing him to "see" portals between artificial environments, and with the aid of another prisoner, named Jarlath, the crew reached the Nyrians' spaceship and retook Voyager.
In late 2373-74, Voyager became involved in a war between the Borg and Species 8472. Janeway made a pact with the Borg for safe passage through their space in exchange for providing them with technology that could defeat Species 8472. After Harry Kim was injured in an attack by Species 8472, his cells began to be destroyed, but The Doctor used nanoprobes to cure him by reprogramming the nanoprobes to directly attack the invading cells. This treatment enabled Voyager's crew to develop a weapon that could be used against Species 8472, giving the crew a bargaining chip to negotiate a temporary alliance with the Borg.
The Doctor and Torres answered a distress call and found a hologram named Dejaren alone on a ship. Initially The Doctor tried to befriend the hologram, sympathizing greatly with its struggles. Dejaren was eager to learn about The Doctor's freedom on Voyager, as his own crew never treated him as anything other than equipment and kept him constantly confined in one part of the ship. Eventually The Doctor and Torres discovered that Dejaren had killed his organic crew on the ship, having been driven mad by constantly being treated as a tool. After failing to convince The Doctor that holograms were a higher form of life, Dejaren tried to kill Torres and deactivate The Doctor by stealing his mobile emitter. Fortunately, Torres was able to successfully deactivate Dejaren by destabilizing his holomatrix, leaving the crew with a greater appreciation of The Doctor's personality and loyalty.
The Doctor, upon his first mission to the Alpha Quadrant, was instrumental in establishing contact with Starfleet. Shortly after Voyager discovered a Hirogen communications network leading into the edge of the Quadrant, the crew attempted to send a message to a particular Starfleet vessel, the USS Prometheus, which was within range of the farthest relay. When the message failed to reach the Alpha Quadrant, however, Voyager's crew decided to send a hologram, as it was less likely to decompile before reaching its destination. With limited time to write a completely new holographic program to send through the network before the ship moved out of range, The Doctor was the only program large enough to have a chance of making it through the network intact.
When The Doctor reached the Prometheus and discovered that the ship had been taken over by Romulans, he once again claimed holographic neutrality to escape deletion. The Doctor had to activate the experimental EMH Mark II on board the Prometheus, and despite the initial conflict between the two (the Mark II apparently thought that The Doctor was defective and obsolete, while The Doctor regarded the Mark II as an arrogant new upstart), the holograms retook control of the vessel. They accomplished this by combining The Doctor's personal experience with the Mark II's detailed knowledge of the ship. Having defeated numerous Romulan warbirds surrounding the Prometheus, Starfleet officers boarded the vessel and The Doctor was subsequently able to speak directly with Starfleet Headquarters and set the record straight about Voyager's disappearance. The Doctor returned to Voyager, with welcome news that the ship was no longer alone.
Later in 2374, The Doctor and Harry Kim played an important role in helping to retake the ship from the Hirogen, who were using the ship's previous crew as prey in holoprograms but had left both The Doctor and Kim free, so that The Doctor could heal the crew and Kim could work on expanding the holodecks. The Doctor was forced to treat Seven of Nine, but upon doing so he secretly added a program to her Borg components that would restore her memories during the simulation, starting a chain of events that would bring Voyager back under the control of the crew. During a Nazi program, he and Neelix persuaded the Klingons in one program to attack the Hirogen and Nazi soldiers.
The same year, a group of Kyrians, led by Tedran, beamed aboard the Voyager and took several people hostage. They were defeated when Tedran was killed by the Vaskan ambassador Daleth.
Several days later, Voyager was attacked by nine Kyrian ships. Several troops managed to board Voyager and stole various pieces of technology before escaping, including the EMH backup module. The devastating Great War between the Vaskans and Kyrians that followed was called The Voyager Encounter, as the official records were altered to portray the Kyrians as the victims and Voyager as the aggressors.
Seven hundred years later, a backup copy of The Doctor's program was reactivated in the Kyrian Museum of Heritage by Quarren and blamed for war crimes the crew of Voyager didn't commit. The Doctor, horrified at the museum's portrayal of Voyager's role in the Great War, debunked the holoprogram used to teach this version of history and explained the true history of the Kyrian/Vaskan conflict, and although this caused old tensions between the two races to once again flare up, it led to a new understanding between them and eventually created a harmonious society. This copy of The Doctor became the Kyrian Surgical Chancellor for many years after these events. Eventually, however, he left his post in a one-person ship with the aim of reaching the Alpha Quadrant, claiming that "he had a longing for home".
In an attempt to save Torres, who had a cytoplasmic lifeform attached to her, The Doctor called upon a holoprogram of a Cardassian named Dr. Crell Moset, a renowned exobiologist in the Alpha Quadrant. Bajoran crew member Ensign Tabor informed Janeway and The Doctor that Moset had committed war crimes during the Cardassian occupation of Bajor and that he was personally responsible for the death of his father. This caused a controversy on board, as Tabor and others demanded that Moset's program be put offline and decompiled and his research obliterated altogether or else they would resign their commissions. The Doctor, unaware of Moset's reputation, was at first unwilling to delete the program and refuse Moset's help, and eventually used it to save Torres. However, as pressure from all sides kept building up and as he himself discovered that Moset's actions were unethical, he deleted the Moset program from all of Voyager's files.
That same year, The Doctor experienced a deep personal crisis of his own: He found out that memory files pertaining to an Ensign Ahni Jetal had been deleted from his program. When he confronted the crew, they reluctantly told him what had happened. Harry Kim and Jetal had been seriously injured during an away mission a few months earlier. Because The Doctor could not perform life-saving surgery on both patients simultaneously, he was forced to pick one patient, knowing that the person he was unable to treat would die. In a split-second decision, The Doctor decided to operate on Kim, thus indirectly allowing Jetal to die. Shortly after, The Doctor fell into a deep ethical crisis, questioning his decision to treat Kim and not Jetal, even though their injuries were equally fatal. He blamed himself over and over again for having been biased and helping his friend rather than Jetal, whom he was not as close to. He became caught in a loop of constantly questioning his decisions to the point where he broke down completely, unable to function. The captain decided that it would be best if the memories of Jetal and the incident be deleted. However, the truth did come out and as soon as The Doctor found out, the same pattern emerged and he found himself struggling with the same dilemma once again.
After Seven pointed out that they should not treat The Doctor like a piece of equipment but instead like the individual he had become, the captain decided that this time, instead of deleting his memories, they would stand by him and try to help him in this crisis, just as they would a friend or any other flesh-and-blood member of the crew. Janeway helped him accept his decision and realize that part of being an individual is making tough decisions and learning to live with them.
After Seven pointed out that they should not treat The Doctor like a piece of equipment but instead like the individual he had become, the captain decided that this time, instead of deleting his memories, they would stand by him and try to help him in this crisis, just as they would a friend or any other flesh-and-blood member of the crew. Janeway helped him accept his decision and realize that part of being an individual is making tough decisions and learning to live with them.
Later that year, The Doctor tried to give Seven of Nine social lessons on how to date. During their sessions he became quite infatuated with her, but could not bring himself to admit his feelings. He also had a small wager with Tom Paris, who had told The Doctor that Seven was incapable of going on a date without causing an incident. The Doctor told Tom that he would prove him wrong in exchange for doing a full month of sickbay duty. When Seven found out about the wager, she was disappointed in The Doctor, but she forgave him later when he apologized. When Seven told The Doctor that she no longer needed the lessons as there were no suitable mates for her on board, The Doctor was crushed about Seven's obviously not reciprocating his feelings, and he returned to the holodeck for a lonely rendition of "Someone to Watch Over Me".
In 2376 an artificial intelligence was found on a planet and the crew discovered that it was a weapon sent on a mission of destruction. The machine interfaced with The Doctor's matrix and took it over. It threatened Voyager to take it to its target. Eventually it was convinced that its mission had been an accident; its systems had been triggered by a computer error and a target had merely been selected at random. Transferring its intelligence out of The Doctor, it was beamed off Voyager and destroyed other war machines on the same obsolete mission.
Later, when he was reactivated by Captain Ransom, his ethical subroutines were deactivated to coerce him into extracting information from Seven of Nine. After he was restored to himself and escaped to Voyager, Seven offered to add security measures to his program to prevent further tampering, assuring him that she bore him no ill will (she even "teasingly" informed him that he was off-key when he sang to her as he tapped into her implants). He also deleted the Equinox EMH upon returning to Voyager, although the Equinox EMH tried unsuccessfully to threaten him with holographic bombs.
Captain Janeway awarded The Doctor the Starfleet Medal of Commendation for his part in repelling raiders who wanted to strip Voyager of essential components. This predicament was both incited and resolved successfully thanks to The Doctor's experimentation with introducing daydreaming to his program; the aliens hacked into The Doctor's program, but due to his daydreams, they were given an exaggerated image of Voyager's defenses and were tricked into retreating. In light of his accomplishments, Captain Janeway gave permission for research into the creation of an Emergency Command Hologram, to take command of the ship if the senior staff were ever immobilized. However, he was left more than slightly embarrassed by the fact that several of his daydreams featured Janeway, Seven, and Torres competing for his affections (as well as one where he painted Seven in the nude), although Janeway assured him that it was only human to fantasize.
The Doctor played the part of the village priest, Father Mulligan, in the Fair Haven program. When he tried to free Kim and Paris from the townsfolk, who believed they were evil spirits, he himself was captured. The townsfolk decided to hypnotize him for answers. The Doctor was highly skeptical; however, they managed to successfully hypnotize him after taking his mobile emitter away. Pressed to reveal his true name, he admitted that he "had not decided on one yet."
Due to a time differential, The Doctor was sent to a planet with a tachyon core as, being a hologram, it wouldn't affect him. Due to problems, The Doctor spent three years on the planet, during which time he gathered information on its geologic problems, lived in an apartment with a roommate, and had a son named Jason. How he had a son is unclear, as he only said it was a long story, but when an astronaut returned to the planet to enlist their help in freeing Voyager, The Doctor requested that a message be passed on to his son's family.
While encountering the Qomar he began singing, which awed the aliens, as they had no concept of music. He gave a recital on their planet, they asked him to stay, and he considered resigning his post as Voyager's chief medical officer to pursue a full-time career on the Qomar homeworld. However, upon revisiting the planet, he discovered that the Qomar had made what they considered a superior holoprogram (in that it could sing notes outside the human vocal range), and that he was not wanted. He returned to Voyager, depressed at how his musical career had ended, and embarrassed at his earlier actions, but a final piece of fan mail from Seven assured him that he was still appreciated on Voyager.
When Voyager encountered con artists posing as Janeway, Tuvok, and Chakotay in an attempt to make money, The Doctor proved instrumental in the recovery of the stolen property. After tricking Dala, one of the con artists, into boarding the Delta Flyer, The Doctor and Tom Paris knocked her out. The Doctor subsequently altered his holographic matrix so that he resembled Dala, allowing him to confront the other two con artists and learn where they had concealed their stolen property before turning them over to the local authorities.
The second mission to the Alpha Quadrant occurred when Lewis Zimmerman was dying and The Doctor requested to be transmitted back to the Alpha Quadrant to help treat him. While he was at Jupiter Station, Lewis Zimmerman fought The Doctor and his treatment, regarding The Doctor's presence as an unpleasant reminder of his failure with the Mark I as a whole. This caused Reginald Barclay to contact Deanna Troi to help out with the situation. Neither the counselor nor Barclay could make either doctor reach any sort of agreement, as both of them were too stubborn to back down. It wasn't until The Doctor began to decompile that Lewis Zimmerman corrected the error and the two reached a mutual understanding that bordered on a father/son relationship. This was mainly reflected in a conversation where The Doctor admitted that he'd hoped Zimmerman would be proud of his accomplishments if they ever met, and Zimmerman confessed that he was grateful that at least one EMH Mark I was still doing what he had designed them for. The treatment worked, and shortly before The Doctor left for Voyager, Zimmerman told The Doctor that he could call him next time Voyager was given a chance to communicate with Earth.
During the last year of Voyager's journey home, The Doctor's program was stolen and sold to Dr. Chellick, who was in charge of a medical hospital on the planet Dinaali. The Doctor was appalled at the medical malpractice that was taking place. Only the rich or useful were accorded the best medical care, while others were left to die or denied medicine because of their social standing. Along with a few medical personnel, he helped change the situation, although he suffered an ethical crisis afterward. In order to convince the staff to change procedure, The Doctor had deliberately infected Chellick with a potentially fatal virus. Because Chellick was classified as a lower grade patient, he was forced to change his normal procedure to save his own life.
Seven of Nine and The Doctor became one when, in order to hide his matrix from aliens who hunted and destroyed holograms, he was downloaded into her cybernetic implants. He experienced the human feelings of taste and touch for the first time. Seven became angered at his 'abuse' of her body while he was in charge of her functions. The Doctor felt Seven showed excessive restraint and did not allow for superfluous pleasure, a thing that The Doctor thought was an important part of life. After they returned to Voyager, however, Seven seemed to better understand his point of view, bringing a meal to sickbay and describing the sensations of eating it to The Doctor to allow him to continue to experience it.
When Voyager responded to a Hirogen distress call, the crew found that the holograms created as victims for Hirogen training had turned against the hunters. A group of these holograms had escaped to a ship and later kidnapped The Doctor. He discovered the holograms were just trying to find somewhere where they could live in peace. Eventually agreeing to help them, he escaped with them and took Torres to help the holograms set up a civilization of their own.
When Voyager responded to a Hirogen distress call, the crew found that the holograms created as victims for Hirogen training had turned against the hunters. A group of these holograms had escaped to a ship and later kidnapped The Doctor. He discovered the holograms were just trying to find somewhere where they could live in peace. Eventually agreeing to help them, he escaped with them and took Torres to help the holograms set up a civilization of their own.
Shortly after this, The Doctor discovered that B'Elanna Torres was pregnant with Paris's child. At first Torres tried to reprogram The Doctor to alter the child's DNA and remove the Klingon traits, fearing a repeat of her own upbringing. While growing up she believed her father had left because he couldn't handle two Klingon women. After talking with her, Tom Paris eventually convinced Torres that he would love their children no matter what they were like and he hoped that every one of them would be just like her. After apologizing to The Doctor for reprogramming him, Torres asked him to be the child's godfather and he willingly accepted.
When the crew was forced to transport alien prisoners to a distant planet where they would be executed for their crimes, The Doctor was appalled at the death penalty rule enforced by the planet. He also discovered that Iko, one of the patients, had actually been born with a brain defect that left him prone to violence. Using Seven's nanoprobes, The Doctor managed to cure Iko of this defect, effectively restoring Iko's conscience and making him a new person. Iko's appeal was, tragically, rejected, but The Doctor and Seven were able to take some small measure of comfort in knowing they had helped him.
When Voyager was abandoned due to tetryon radiation flooding, Captain Janeway activated the ECH for the first time, allowing The Doctor to repair damage to the ship while the crew waited in the escape pods for Voyager to be declared safe once again. The Doctor managed to defend the ship against scavengers and had begun enacting repairs by the time Chakotay and Kim, who had been on an away mission, returned to the ship. The Doctor further demonstrated his command abilities by utilizing a photonic shockwave to disable two Quarren patrol ships. While repairing the ship along with Ensign Kim, they frequently conflicted regarding the impromptu chain of command – while Kim was actually a commissioned officer, The Doctor was programmed with the experiences of renowned commanders throughout history. Harry's strategy saved the ship from attack, and The Doctor was forced to admit that he lacked the valuable practical operational experience of other officers. He made peace with Harry before returning to his normal role as Chief Medical Officer.
After an away team became trapped on a planet with a toxic atmosphere, The Doctor was part of a rescue that was launched. The Doctor almost single-handedly rescued the entire team when he dressed as a native and infiltrated the native's caves. He explained that since he was a hologram, the radiation had no effect on him, and he was able to effectively disguise himself as part of the plan. Later on Voyager, he treated a baby infected with radiation poisoning and cured him and a native with the help of Seven of Nine.
The Doctor activated his command subroutines again in 2378 in an attempt to rescue Captain Janeway from the aliens who had kidnapped her. His holographic matrix altered to allow him to pose as various members of the crew, such as Janeway, Torres, and Chakotay. The Doctor was eventually able to evacuate Engineering and activate the ECH program. As the Emergency Command Hologram, The Doctor had the authorization to eject Voyager's warp core; he then tried to free the captain by exchanging the core as ransom. He was able to rescue Janeway and recover the core, but when the excess subroutines inserted by the aliens nearly caused his program to collapse, he made several embarrassing "deathbed" confessions including his love for Seven. Having recovered, he subsequently spent a whole week in sickbay out of sheer embarrassment but was eventually convinced by Janeway to rejoin life on the ship.
He returned to Earth when Admiral Janeway changed the timeline by going back in the past and helping Voyager return to Earth sooner than the twenty-one years it originally took. During that time The Doctor was treating Lt. Commander Tuvok's degenerative neurological disease, but kept it quiet at Tuvok's request. The Doctor's last action on the ship was to help deliver his goddaughter, Miral Paris, while in the Borg transwarp hub. As the crew were contacted by Starfleet ships, The Doctor alerted Miral's father that "There's someone here who'd like to say 'Hello'."