The Destroyer

OC The Destroyer

The Destroyer

universe Superhero Database Original Characters

The Destroyer's History

Many years ago, during the creation of the Earth, The Destroyer led Universe's forces against the creation but due to this action he was felled by Lucifer when he realized the expose. From that day on, The Destroyer will live as a formal tribute to Lucifer, managing many actions as possible, he was kept on captivity by Zeus, a rebel greek god that was punished the same way as captivity from long ago.

The majority of these gods were killed and drifted to Hell to be accomplished by the awakened souls, that possibly just let them die, while after, Lucifer remained uncharted and decided to save the weakened souls and gods from all over the Demiurge. So it was revealed that Destroyer's fate will be inevitable. But Zeus standed by and chose to save him in order to make a pursueth sacrifice, Lucifer, came to collect both Zeus and Destroyer from Hell for he himself needed him; So it was to Destroyer to be dying or to die, the release of divine and emergeful powers within him would destroy the remaining hell.

So, Zeus brought him to Heaven, to bring his rebellion and eventually Lucifer, granted himself into his own reality, for him it was the only way he would and even die, and there it was that Lucifer impaled Zeus and the Demiurge filled the Hell again.

However, The Destroyer was reborn once and for all, filled of rage, but kind and full of life once again and he and Zeus parted ways, for the two could never agree, fighting on opposite sides of the spectrum and The Destroyer returns to Heaven where he seeks out God's counseling...counseling he does not approve of. So it is that Destroyer, the angel perhaps most loyal to The Existence is exiled from Heaven and he begins a quest with his various companions, a quest to find and rescue his soul. This leads to numerous other adventures.

The Crown and The Death Voidless Earth

Suddenly, after the destruction of physics, Destroyer began to scrumble around into the fallen edge of the Universe, rises begins. Destroyer tries to absorbs the Universes power, but it's too dangerous to do. Destroyer finds another way to combust the power and recreate the remain physics